eBook: The Gospel According to Jesus - Free!


Marc Carrier. eBook in pdf format. In this work, the author sets forth in a clear manner the historic gospel of Christianity. This is the gospel that Jesus preached, and it’s the gospel that the early Christians preached. It’s part of the “faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). Everything he says is firmly supported by the words of Jesus as well as by the writings of the apostles.

But please don’t imagine that what you’re about to read is merely Marc’s personal interpretation of Jesus’ words. No what Marc presents can be corroborated by literally hundreds—if not thousands—of quotations from the early Christians who lived shortly after the apostles died. Marc’s presentation may sound strange to some modern ears, but it would not have sounded the least bit strange to the men and women who personally heard the apostles teach and who could read the New Testament in their own native Greek. These were Christians who belonged to the churches the apostles founded, and many of them willingly died as martyrs for Christ and His gospel.

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If you do not have access to the Internet on your computer, you can order this eBook in PDF format on a CD-ROM disc for only $1.50.
eBook: The Gospel According to Jesus - Free!