D. Bercot.
What The Early Christians Believed About War. Of all the evils that plague mankind, war is perhaps the greatest. In the past century alone, war claimed over 70 million lives. But Jesus taught His followers to love their enemies. He said, "All who take the sword will perish by the sword." Paul wrote, "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh." Does this mean that Christians cannot go to war against their enemies? How literally did the early Christians take Jesus' teachings?
70 min. audio CD.
This CD message is also available as a Kindle ebook. Click here to purchase from Amazon.com and download instantly to your device.
2 reviews
Featured positive reviews:
Blessed are the Peace Makers
By Br. Rodd Umlauf, ASF
This CD is fantastic and an amazing defense for the spirit of the New Covenant and how all Early Church Christians believed concerning inflicting violence on others. You may receive severe criticism from American Christians who are fooled by the Gospel of Empire rather than being committed to the Gospel of Jesus, but it is well worth standing up for the truth.
CD: War
By a Christian pilgrim
Having spent my youth in the military, with all its ungodliness and hatred, and realizing how far that life carried me away from the LORD, i recommend this CD to anyone considering joining any branch of the military.