
Newsletter - March, 2019

Honduras microloan

A Blessed Year
March, 2019

Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me." Matt. 25:40

Published by the Society of the Good Shepherd, P. O. Box 122, Amberson, PA 17210. (717) 349-7033

Throughout the world, various charitable organizations are finding microloans to be one of the best tools to eradicate poverty. Making credit available to responsible people enables those people to establish small businesses or enlarge existing ones. This enables those people to generate a livable income, learn new abilities, acquire confidence, and begin the journey to climb out of the vicious cycle of poverty. The Society of the Good Shepherd has been making interest-free microloans to people in Honduras now for nineteen years, and we have witnessed this over and over again.

Some of the Society directors from the United States were down in February of this year, and we were able to review together the various loans made during 2018. As it turned out, 2018 was an unprecedented year both in the number of loans made and in the number of people who paid off their loans! Normally, the loans are made for a three-year period. However, some beneficiaries were able to pay off their loans early. So we actually had more people pay off their loans in 2018 than we had new loans going out. This group of beneficiaries who paid off their loans included a carpenter, two convenience store owners, a shoemaker, a dentist, a welder, a motivational speaker, several artisans who make and sell souvenirs, and others.

It always brings mixed emotions when beneficiaries pay off their loans and “graduate” from the program. We have a public ceremony and present them with a certificate showing that they have faithfully completed the program. That part brings us a lot of joy. On the other hand, it also means that we won’t be seeing them as often anymore. They have come to feel like part of the family, and so it is always hard for us to see them go. Being a part of the Society is much more than just a loan. It is about learning to be a good steward and to be faithful with payments, learning to save up money and to invest wisely, and coming together regularly to pray for each other.

Here is part of the feedback we received from the beneficiaries who graduated from the program in 2018:

“When I initially got a loan with the Good Shepherd Society I was expecting to merely get money for my business and then just pay it off. But it was so much more than that. The focus of the Society was on teaching us to become good stewards and for us to understand that this is not just money. It is God’s provision for us, and my commitment is not just with men, but with the Lord.” – Juana del Cid (souvenir business)

“Community has made the difference in this journey. Praying for others and having others pray for me and my family was the encouragement I needed, and it always came at the right time.” – Jonathan Sierra (motivational speaker)

“God is always good, and He has always provided. I never imagined I would get a loan for my business. And with the loan came such closeness to God and with the other beneficiaries! It’s just not what you expect when dealing with someone about a loan.” –Sonia Gonzales (convenience store owner)

“Coming together for prayer with other brothers and sisters has been crucial for motivation when it came to paying off my loan. It was moving to hear stories of God’s provision for others, and those stories were inspiring at moments when I might otherwise have been struggling.” – Marvin Sanchez (Carpenter)

“How good it is when God’s people live together in unity!” Psalms 133:1

Yes, 2018 was a blessed year for the ministry of the Society of the Good Shepherd. Keeping our focus on the Lord has been the key. Loans and payments are important, but even more important is that brothers and sisters come together, encourage each other, and spur each other on to rely fully upon God by putting His kingdom first. It has been a blessing to work with all of the beneficiaries who graduated in 2018. We can’t wait to see what this new year will bring and what God has to teach us as a Society and as individuals.

The Society of the Good Shepherd, P. O. Box 122, Amberson, PA 17210 • (717) 349-7033

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Click on the following link if you would care to make a donation to the work in Honduras: Honduras Donations

100% of all donations go to the designated work in Honduras. We pay our own overhead and travel expenses. All loans made are interest-free. The Society of the Good Shepherd is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax-deductible.