Kindle book: Let Go

Kindle book: Let Go

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Let Go is a collection of some of the best of Fenelon's spiritual letters, translated into contemporary English. Reading this work enables you to sit at the feet of a truly great saint. To purchase the Kindle book, please click on the following link. It will take you directly to this Amazon Kindle book:   Let Go
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Francois Fenelon was the archbishop of Cambrai, France, during the late 17th century. While serving as archbishop, Fenelon had the opportunity to become the spiritual advisor of a small, but committed, number of men and women at the Court of Louis XIV, including the king himself.

Let Go is a collection of some of the best of Fenelon's spiritual letters, translated into contemporary English. Reading this work enables you to sit at the feet of a truly great saint.

This work should be read in a devotional mood if it is to fulfill its purpose of revealing to the reader the spiritual wisdom, insights, and convictions of a true man of God.

To purchase the Kindle book, please click on the following link. It will take you directly to this Amazon Kindle book:  
Let Go
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1 reviews

Featured positive reviews:

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Dr. Earl 06/13/2012
By Earl Dean, Mishawaka In US
Excellent. Very moving.

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