D. Bercot. The Book of Acts ends with Paul’s first imprisonment in Rome. But what happened after that? What eventually became of Paul? What about Peter, John and the rest of the apostles? How far did Christianity spread in the 1st and 2nd centuries? Who led the church after the apostles died? What challenges did the new church face? Happily, we don’t have to guess about such matters. We have clear historical records that shed considerable light on what happened during the first century after the Book of Acts was written. more. 70 pp. Kindle book
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D. Bercot. The Book of Acts ends with Paul’s first imprisonment in Rome. But what happened after that? What eventually became of Paul? What about Peter, John and the rest of the apostles? How far did Christianity spread in the 1st and 2nd centuries? Who led the church after the apostles died? What challenges did the new church face? Happily, we don’t have to guess about such matters. We have clear historical records that shed considerable light on what happened during the first century after the Book of Acts was written.
The Kindle book includes accounts of the martyrdoms of James, the half-brother of Jesus, as well as those of Peter and Paul. The author goes into graphic detail about the destruction of Jerusalem, showing how each element of Jesus' prophecies were fulfilled exactly as He had described. The reader will also learn about the spread of Christianity to Edessa and Persia, as well as the events in the last years of the Apostle John's life. The author does not include any legendary stories, but only the historical information available in reliable ancient sources. The Kindle version includes additional material not in the audio CD. 70 pp. Kindle book
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