Here you will find a collection of thought-provoking or devotional articles written by some of our friends, or by various Christians throughout history. So pull up a chair, pour yourself a cup of coffee, and enjoy the insights of these fellow pilgrims.
Note: Inclusion of an article on this page doesn’t mean that we necessarily endorse everything the author has to say. Likewise, inclusion of an article doesn’t mean that the author necessarily agrees with everything we publish.

Did Jesus Intend Us to Obey His Commandments
By Jeremy King
The way you answer the question, “Do I need to obey literally what Jesus taught?” will have a huge effect on how you view the words of Christ as He spoke them in the gospels and how you live every area of your life.

A Riddle From 1 Kings
By Chuck Pike
Solomon said, to unlock a parable, wisdom is the key.
Jesus spoke in parables because, “Though seeing, they do not see”.

Jesus and War
by Will Pike
Is it wrong for a Christian to support his country by participating in war?

What Meekness Truly Means
Norman Grubb
Meekness unadulterated carries with it crucifixion. The truly meek can claim no rights, keep no rigid hold on earthly possessions. Not for them is recourse to the law courts or police. Yet even now the meek inherit the earth.

When You Preach, Don’t Settle for Mediocrity
by David Bercot
The one thing that will determine whether you become an excellent speaker or not is your desire. As one writer put it, “If I could measure your desire, I could determine almost exactly your success as a speaker.”

Are You Ready?
by Gary Miller
She stopped again to listen. Had someone stopped outside? Quietly she resumed reading to the children. Again she paused. Others had recently been arrested, but how would the children learn if she didn’t teach? And so she continued, but as she quietly read she listened.

How to Die to Self
by G.D. Watson
The more we are divinely illuminated, the more minutely and astonishingly do we apprehend the almost infinite blindness and meanness of our past lives. How do we die to self and let Christ be all and all in us?

God’s Dream House
Gary Miller
Crash! An explosion of sound instantly startled men from dull routine. Merchants jumped to their feet in alarm; chaos and confusion suddenly reigned. Shouts and cries of angry men reverberated against the stone walls, and the air was filled with the sound of running feet, crashing furniture, and clattering metal as it rang out across the stone floor.

Of Salt & Light & Fury Unleashed
by Gary Miller
We can only imagine their expressions of bewilderment as they listened. We have grown up hearing it. We memorize it, put it on the refrigerator door, tape it to the truck dash, and hang it on our walls. We struggle to understand it, attempt to rationalize it, and sometimes just ignore it.

Of Fish and Men
By Jason R. Sullivan
One thing that I love about the Bible is that it is full of fishermen and the sea. I relate here. I love to fish and I love the ocean. I remember being a child taking fishing trips with my grandfather. He was a true fisherman.

The Other Side of the Wall
by Gary Miller
The sun had disappeared and the scattered clouds in the west were shimmering like the glowing embers of a dying fire. Most of the citizens had secured their homes for the night and a sense of despair and futility again settled down on the city as dusk slowly overtook the streets.

Shaped to God’s Design
When a see-it-all-in-a-glance tourist flitted through the priceless art treasures of the Louvre in Paris, she swept her critical eye over some of the world’s greatest paintings. As she left the fabulous works of the great masters, she sniffed with disdain and said, “I don’t think much of them.”

A Very Important Ingredient
by Elmo Stoll
Few of you will find the following story easy to believe:
Adam Smith was determined to be a farmer, and now, as he finished planting the field in potatoes, a great hope swelled within him. Maybe he would be a successful potato farmer.

How to Walk with God
by David Bercot
What does it mean to “walk with God”? It means several things. First, that the prevailing power of enmity in a person’s heart has been taken away by the blessed Spirit of God. Secondly, that the person has actually been reconciled to God the Father.

Is the Kingdom of God a Democracy?
They rushed with one accord into the theater, dragging along Gaius and Aristarchus, Paul’s traveling companions from Macedonia. And when Paul wanted to go into the assembly, the disciples would not let him … So then, some were shouting one thing and some another, for the assembly was in confusion and the majority did not know for what reason they had come together.
Acts 19:29-32

What Are Faith, Hope, and Love?
by Jeremy Taylor
Despite imprisonment and the death of his wife and son, Jeremy Taylor (1613-1667) never lost his deep faith and profound love of Christ. He wrote numerous devotional and theological works, the most famous of which are Holy Living and Holy Dying. The following selection is taken from Holy Living.

Do All to the Lord Jesus
by Edward Pusey
Some of you, my brethren, have no doubt known, at times, the following state: After a busy day spent in your duties to others, you finally stand alone with God. All the events of the day now seem as one empty turmoil. The soul seems to have been dead the entire day.

When Life Is Not Fair!
by George O Wood
How do you handle an injustice? Recently I was talking with a person who had given years of dedicated service to her local church and had suddenly been removed from her position. The hurt was obvious and deep as she shared with me how unfairly she felt she had been treated. The advice I gave her is the same I give to myself when I feel another has done wrong to me: What happens in me is more important than what happens to me.

The Race for Relevance
An acquaintance of mine who ministers in an independent, Anglican-tradition congregation recently wrote in the church newsletter, “The whole drift of western society in general, and American society in particular, would seem to be away from making it a possibility that anyone would be favorably disposed to the gospel of Jesus Christ.