David Bercot, ed. The Historic Faith Commentary on Matthew is designed
to help readers see the Gospel of Matthew through the eyes of the Christians who lived in the early centuries after Christ—before church councils and theological controversies clouded over the original teachings of Jesus. Volume 1 covers Matthew chapters 1-13, which includes an in-depth discussion of the Sermon on the Mount.
512 pp. hardback. $24.95
Many museums around the world contain Renaissance paintings of biblical scenes. These paintings are beautiful and reflect exceptional artistic skill. However, all the biblical characters wear Renaissance clothing, not the clothing of biblical times. If the early Christians had seen these paintings, they would have been startled at the novel clothing on the people.
Modern commentaries are often like those Renaissance paintings. The commentators are skilled communicators, masters of their art. Their verbal illustrations are engaging, and their explanations of Scripture resonate with twenty-first century Christians. However, they clothe the teachings of Jesus and His apostles with ideas and viewpoints that were wholly foreign to the first century.
The Historic Faith Commentary on Matthew is designed to help readers see the Gospel of Matthew through the eyes of the Christians who lived in the early centuries after Christ. It brings the Scriptures to life—not by garbing the people of the first century in twenty-first century clothes—but by clothing them in ancient garments. As a result, the reader is certain to find new insights (really, ancient ones) from the Gospel of Matthew. Volume 1 covers Matthew chapters 1-13, which includes an in-depth discussion of the Sermon on the Mount. Edited by David Bercot.
512 pp. Hardcover. $24.95
I just got my copy of the commentary, and I am surprised at how interesting it is. It reads like a story book, not like a commentary. I found it very, very interesting. In fact, I could hardly put it down. I sat down and read the first 37 pages the first night. I plan to read 50 pages a day, at which pace I should finish the entire commentary in a week and a half.
This commentary captures what early Christian’s believed about the things taught in Matthew. It is also very readable and easy to understand. I recommend it for anyone looking to grow in faith.
I’m a Jew, age 78. I read the New Testament for the first time only a year before I was converted by the Holy Spirit. Since then I’ve not been able to read much else but the Holy Scriptures. So I am pretty much a clean slate. David Bercot’s book has done more to enlighten me about the true and full meaning of Matthew than my own reading it six or seven times through in the last few years. It is a brilliant book! Thank you so much, David.
I had no idea David Bercot was working on this project until a month ago, when I pulled up Scroll Publishing’s website to order the download of a classic reference book I knew they would carry. Wow! Finally, a historically accurate commentary, and on Matthew none-the-less! For the past 16 years I have been collecting notes reading through the writings of the Ante-Nicene Fathers and John Chrysostom to create for myself this very thing, hoping to use it when studying with new believers and confused believers. And here it is–The Historic Faith Commentary on Matthew–done by an absolute expert in the field of Early Christian Writings. This thrills my soul! It provides a very simple resource to use with believers desiring to grow in their knowledge of the God they love and His purpose for their lives. It is an answer to my hearts desire!
I highly recommend this commentary on Matthew. Making this book, and particularly the Sermon on the Mount, our go-to how-to is very needed in our day! As David points out, the early Church Fathers quoted from the Gospel of Matthew way beyond any other book of the Bible. And you will find that a lot of this Commentary is actually commentary from the early Church Fathers on this book. Order it today!
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Review Historic Faith Commentary on Matthew, Vol. 1.