David W. Bercot.
Practically everyone in the western world has heard of the man known today as St. Patrick. Yet, hardly anyone knows anything about the real man. About the only two things that most people “know” about Patrick is that he was Irish and that he was Roman Catholic. In truth, however, he was neither one.
Let Me Die in Ireland cuts through all of the myths about Patrick and presents a dramatized biography of the authentic Christian missionary, Patrick. The story of the real man is far more exciting and inspiring than any of the myths about him. Patrick was one of the greatest missionaries of all time and a true man of prayer and integrity. A narrative you won’t soon forget. 192 pp. paper. $10.95
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Although Patrick is the most famous person of his age, the real man has been buried in a cloud of myths. Myths such as:
He used the shamrock to explain the Trinity.
He was sent to Ireland by the Pope.
He was a wonder-worker who staged miraculous duels with the Druids.
He drove out all the snakes from Ireland.
Let Me Die In Ireland cuts through all of the myths about Patrick and presents the authentic, stirring account of one of the greatest missionaries who ever lived. His life is a compelling testimony to the incredible power of the gospel when preached and lived by a man of integrity. He gave up a comfortable life as an upper-class citizen of Roman Britain to live in poverty, suffering, and constant danger in Ireland. Forsaking all, he brought Christ’s love to the hated enemies of his own people to the very nation who had once kidnapped and enslaved him. Although ridiculed and rejected by his own people in Britain, Patrick changed the course of an entire nation. A narrative you won’t soon forget. 192 pp. paper.
If you like inspiring stories about great men of faith, this is for you.
By far, this is the story that has inspired and edified me the most of all the books I’ve ever read (not including the Bible). Once I began reading it, I simply could not put it down. Mr. Bercot is not only a master storyteller, but also very thought provoking and spiritually encouraging. Like all his materials, we are challenged by Bercot’s call for radical discipleship with Jesus Christ. Thank you and please keep serving the Lord by such edifying literature
Let Me Die In Ireland is a great read. Though it is written as a historical fiction novel about Patrick aka St. Patrick, I thought it was well written and I learned things about him I didn’t know about. I recommend this title.
A great read! Everyone person should know who Patrick really was. A very inspiring life!
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