This unique devotional work collects together the early Christians’ best insights, reflections, and practical counsel on godly living, prayer, love, and the inner life. It reflects the spiritual depth and wisdom of men who lived totally for Christ. It enables the reader to taste first hand the fresh, untainted spirit of early Christianity.
182 pp. Paper. $8.95
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During the 2nd and 3rd centuries A.D. (100-300), Christianity was an illegal, persecuted religion throughout most of the civilized world. In many ways, this was a blessing. That’s because persecution culled out superficial Christians and those who were not willing to make sacrifices for Christ. It produced thousands of fervent Christians who loved God with their whole hearts, souls, and minds. These were men and women who scorned both persecution and the alluring pleasures of the world.
The passionate Christianity of those early centuries can bless today’s Christians as well. That’s because the spiritual pilgrims of those centuries have left us a rich legacy of vibrant writings that provide keen insight on how to walk down the pilgrim road – the narrow way that Jesus spoke of. The Pilgrim Road is a unique handbook that collects together the best insights, reflections, and practical counsel of the early Christians on godly living, prayer, endurance, love, and the inner life. It reflects the spiritual depth and wisdom of men who lived totally for Christ. It enables the reader to taste first-hand the fresh, untainted spirit of early Christianity.
Some of the chapter titles are:
● On Spiritual Growth
● Separation from the World
● Love Your Enemies
● Obedience and Testing
● Repentance
● On Death and Dying
● The Godly Use of Wealth
● Counsel to Church Leaders
● Recognizing the Creator
182 pp. Paper.
I read this book right after it was first published, and was sad when it was discontinued. Now that it is back in print . . . hurray!
This book contains such wonderful, powerful, simple and profound insights into the kind of life Jesus died to produce. Modern day Christianity has lost sight of the kind of obedience their so-called King demands. Among the very top ways Christianity lies in flamng hypocrisy is in REASONING AROUND the radical law of King Jesus: LOVE YOUR ENEMIES!” Why would a person carry a Bible in one hand and a gun in the other? Why would he pledge allegiance to a FLAG and war against the enemies of an earthly country?! And why do people consider their flesh more important than sinner’s souls?! This book is a great read!
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