Since the beginning of the ministry of the Society of the Good Shepherd, we have had a vision for helping widows. James says, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” (Jas. 1:27).
Although we would love to be able to help every widow in the towns where we minister, there simply are too many for our available resources. As a result, we use very selective criteria. We choose widows who have no children or grandchildren (or other family members) who are looking after them. We also focus on those with special needs. We learn about these widows from our own ministry activities and from our contacts with various pastors in our working area.
We spend about $50 a month on each widow to cover her basic necessities. We do not give the $50 directly to the widows, as they may spend it unwisely or have it taken from them by ungodly relatives who are not supporting these widows. Instead, we purchase the groceries and other necessities ourselves and then deliver them directly to the widows. Also, on these monthly visits, we inquire about their medical needs and help them with buying medicines or taking them to medical appointments. Some of the widows have special dietary needs, such as needing milk supplements for their nutrition.
I will give you a brief introduction to two of the people we have been helping:

For many years, we have been providing the basic necessities for Martita, a sweet woman who spent her days either in bed or in a wheelchair. This was because she suffered from severe osteoporosis. She lived in a small rural community high in the mountains of Honduras. On two different trips, our work teams have visited her to sing to her and encourage her. Martita’s rural neighbors—Chepé and Ventura Muñoz—had been giving her daily physical care and protecting her from her relatives, who gave her no help and were trying to sell her small adobe house out from under her.

Martita recently passed away. Her neighbors witnessed someone who was completely ready to go to the Lord. They told us that they had never seen someone die so peacefully. This was Martita’s witness in life and death: her hope for eternity.

Francisca is another widow who the Society has supported for many years with basic necessities and special food supplements. Her young granddaughter lives with her and has witnessed the constant care the Society of the Good Shepherd has provided for Francisca. As a result of this care, the young granddaughter sought out a church and turned to the Lord. Not only has the Society cared for Francisca, but we have also been able to help the granddaughter with her needs for school supplies. She is now working and is in her first year of college.

One of the advantages of working in an underdeveloped country is that a small sum like $50 goes such a long way. Thank you for partnering with us as we help to care for “the least of these my brothers.”
The Society of the Good Shepherd, P. O. Box 122, Amberson, PA 17210 • (717) 349-7033
Click on the following link if you would care to make a donation to the work in Honduras: Honduras Donations