Luis Vega has been a key part of the ministry of the Society of the Good Shepherd since its start. He has a huge heart for helping others, and it goes without saying that the Society’s ministry would not be where it is today without this hard working and generous servant on the board.

Luis and his wife Etelia have three adult children: Becky, Joshua, and Nancy, all of whom have been very supportive and involved in the work of the Society throughout the years. This was especially evident during the pandemic when the Vega house became headquarters for packing the bags of food for distribution until the project outgrew their house.
When David Bercot became acquainted with Luis in January of 2000, Luis had already served as a pastor in Comayagua for 13 years. He had just begun working with a group of Mennonites who were establishing a children’s home in Siguatepeque. This group had given Luis’ contact information to David. When they first met, David shared his vision with Luis about helping the poor by aiding them to start and grow small businesses. He asked Luis whether he felt it would be better to simply give the start-up money to the business owners or to provide the funds as interest-free loans. Luis told David that giving money away usually creates a dependency. In contrast, a loan enables people to help themselves. This principle became a key concept throughout the years as our ministry of microloans developed.
Luis told David that for the ministry to work, they needed to assemble a local board of Honduran directors. Luis immediately began praying about who would be part of that board. Luis recommended Dixy Barahona because of his accounting skills and Tina Danjoi because of her secretarial abilities and knowledge of English. Luis said that he would be unable to serve on the board because of his other responsibilities. Thankfully, he soon relented and agreed to be on the board.

Now, 22 years of ministry later, Luis (who said he would be unable to serve) and Dixy (who said he could serve only one year) are both still faithfully serving on the board. Through the years, the Good Shepherd Society has grown and has been able to bless the people in Honduras, not only through microloans, but also by building medical clinics in many different areas.
From the beginning, one of Luis’ goals for the ministry was that God could use it to fulfill 3 John 2 in the lives of people: “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” Luis expresses how he has seen this verse lived out through the ministry of the Society in meeting the peoples’ material and health needs—and prospering souls above all.

Because Luis has such a dynamic personality and a large heart, he extends himself in many different areas, seeing the needs of individuals and entire rural communities. He quickly jumps into action with various solutions to help needy situations. He told me he has seen the Society answer hundreds of prayers and needs for the people of Honduras.
Apart from serving on the board of the Good Shepherd Society and coordinating the building projects for the clinics, Luis also works as the director for Latin America on behalf of a Christian ministry called Siloam International. In addition, he serves as one of four pastors at his church, and he still works with the Mennonite children’s home.

Luis finds it a privilege to serve the Lord whole-souled and to bless as many people as he can through his life. He thanks all the donors who have made this ministry possible, and he asks for your prayers that God will continue to guide the Society’s directors so they can make wise decisions in sharing Christ’s love and blessings with as many people as possible.
Julie Nyhoff de Valladares
The Society of the Good Shepherd, P. O. Box 122, Amberson, PA 17210 • (717) 349-7033
Click on the following link if you would care to make a donation to the work in Honduras: Honduras Donations