This is a collection of very practical teachings to encourage growth in living out the teachings in the New Testament. Find ways to overcome bitterness. Learn how to have true greatness- the kind Jesus will recognize.

Audio: Gossip – Not a Minor Sin
Audio: Gossip – Not a Minor Sin

David Bercot. Gossip is one of of the most pervasive sins in our churches. Yet, it's often treated like it's a minor sin - as if no real harm comes from it. 60 minute audio message Audio CD $4.95 CD Quantity . To purchase digital download, cli [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Audio: How Obedience Can Become Pharisaism
Audio: How Obedience Can Become Pharisaism

David Bercot. In the century after Ezra, the Pharisees arose as a reform group to call the Jews to obedience to the Law. Yet, by the time of Jesus, their obedience had turned into actions and attitudes that made them odious to Christ. Bercot w [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Audio: How to Be a Thinking Christian
Audio: How to Be a Thinking Christian

D. Bercot. The greatest commandment is to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” (Matt. 22:37). Many Bible-believing Christians love God with all their hearts, but not with all their minds. In [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Audio: How To Be An Encourager
Audio: How To Be An Encourager

D. Bercot. Paul urged Christians to “encourage one another and to build one another up” (1 Thess. 5:11). Anyone—young or old, brother or sister—can be an encourager. In this message, Bercot sets forth numerous practical suggestions on how to e [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Audio: How to Gain Victory Over Bitterness
Audio: How to Gain Victory Over Bitterness

David Bercot. Bercot sets forth eight steps to enable us to gain complete victory over bitterness. A person who once struggled with bitterness himself, Bercot speaks from personal experience. He explains that bitterness not only robs us of our [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Audio: Lessons God Has Taught Me
Audio: Lessons God Has Taught Me

David Bercot. Growing up a Jehovah’s Witness, David Bercot has had a long, winding pilgrimage in finding and serving Christ. Yet, in many respects, he would not have wanted it any other way. The reason is that God has taught David so many thin [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Audio: Living in the Kingdom Now
Audio: Living in the Kingdom Now

John D. Martin. The kingdom of God is a place where we live now — as well as in eternity. Jesus told us to seek first the kingdom of God, not to seek first our personal salvation. Yet, too many Christians make their own personal salvation the [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Audio: Obeying Christ Is not Legalism
Audio: Obeying Christ Is not Legalism

Christians who take the commandments of Christ seriously are often accused of being legalistic. In this message, Bercot discusses the views of the early Christians on the subject of obedience. They saw a clear distinction between obedience (wh [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Audio: On Being a Radical Christian
Audio: On Being a Radical Christian

David Bercot. Today there are tens of thousands of Christians who are serious about radical discipleship. Yet, despite their eagerness to give their lives totally to Christ, they so often ignore some of His important teachings. Although they w [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Audio: Sarah and Hagar – Faith or Presumption?
Audio: Sarah and Hagar – Faith or Presumption?

David Bercot. Abraham is often criticized for his fathering Ishmael through Hagar at Sarah's request. People often say, "But he didn't inquire of God first!" But what was God's view of the matter? Bercot presents a different view than what is [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Audio: Seeing Christ in Daniel
Audio: Seeing Christ in Daniel

Chuck Pike. We’ve all read the account of Daniel in the lion’s den many times. Yet, most of us have done so without ever realizing how so many events surrounding Daniel’s arrest, punishment, and deliverance were prophetic shadows. Once you hea [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Audio: The CO Files
Audio: The CO Files

In his book, A Change of Allegiance, Dean Taylor describes the spiritual journey he and his wife Tania undertook once they realized that Jesus’ teachings don’t allow Christians to go to war. However, Dean and Tania had to apply as conscientiou [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Audio: The Difference Between Spirit & Soul
Audio: The Difference Between Spirit & Soul

David Bercot. The Difference Between Spirit & Soul And Why It Matters. Most of us have been taught that the man's soul and spirit are the same. We have also been told that we are unable to do good in our human state - without being born again. [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95