This is a collection of very practical teachings to encourage growth in living out the teachings in the New Testament. Find ways to overcome bitterness. Learn how to have true greatness- the kind Jesus will recognize.

Audio: The Five Laws of the Kingdom
Audio: The Five Laws of the Kingdom

David Bercot. There are five irrevocable laws Christ has given to citizens of His kingdom. You might say these five foundational laws comprise the Constitution of God’s Kingdom. Unless a person lives by these laws, he can never hope to inherit [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Audio: The Gospel of Jesus About the Poor
Audio: The Gospel of Jesus About the Poor

David Bercot. Jesus called His disciples to evangelize and make disciples in all nations. Jesus also called upon His disciples to care for the poor. Although Bible-believing Christians typically are obedient to Jesus’ call to spread the Word, [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Audio: The Kingdom of God
Audio: The Kingdom of God

David Bercot. In this audio message, Bercot explains what the kingdom of God is, why it was the theme of Jesus’ and the apostles’ preaching, and what difference it makes in the life of a Christian when we understand the Kingdom of God. Bercot [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Audio: The Kingdom of God in Practice
Audio: The Kingdom of God in Practice

John D. Martin. How does the Kingdom of God work in practice? What does a church look like when it is filled with children of the Kingdom? In this timely message, John D. Martin explains the nuts and bolts of the kingdom in language that is bo [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Audio: The Spirit of Early Christianity
Audio: The Spirit of Early Christianity

David Bercot. In the 1990’s, David Bercot used to travel and lecture on the topic of “The Spirit of Early Christianity.” Now Bercot has revisited that subject and prepared a new message on that same topic—incorporating much of his original mat [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Audio: The Spirit of Sectarianism
Audio: The Spirit of Sectarianism

David Bercot. For 300 years, the church was one. And it wasn’t a tiny church. By A.D. 300 there were probably between 2 million and 5 million Christians throughout the globe. Their unity wasn’t based on ecumenism. These were radical disciples [...]Audio CD $4.95

Audio: Three Characteristics of Churches that Evangelize Effectively
Audio: Three Characteristics of Churches that Evangelize Effectively

D. Bercot. It’s no secret that some churches and denominations grow rapidly. At the same time, other churches and denominations either stagnate or even decrease in size. And we’re not talking about the type of growth based on unprincipled comp [...]

Audio: What The Early Christians Believed About Voting and Politics
Audio: What The Early Christians Believed About Voting and Politics

D. Bercot. Is it right for Christians to vote, hold public office, or become absorbed in politics? In this message, Bercot explains what the early Christians believed and practiced concerning these things, and he examines the Scriptures that a [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Audio: What to Do When Persecution Comes
Audio: What to Do When Persecution Comes

In this message, Bercot discusses the types of persecution we’re likely to face in the next few decades. He pinpoints the two areas where issues are most likely to arise. He then explains why the First Amendment won’t necessarily protect us wh [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Audio: When Good Men Do Nothing
Audio: When Good Men Do Nothing

David Bercot. Edmund Burke said: “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” In accord with Burke, many Christians believe that unless Christians are active in politics and willing to go to war, then it’s the [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Audio: When Kingdoms Collide
Audio: When Kingdoms Collide

Romans 13 commands Christians to obey the governmental authorities. But what happens when Caesar’s demands conflict with Jesus’ commandments? How do we know when we should make the decision to break Caesar’s law in order to be obedient to Chri [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Audio: Why Did God Create Man In The First Place
Audio: Why Did God Create Man In The First Place

David Bercot. Almost all churches teach that God originally wanted to fill the earth with obedient children who loved Him. But they say all that changed when Adam and Eve sinned. They say God's original purpose has been forever thwarted and we [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

CD Set: Radical Christian Discipleship
CD Set: Radical Christian Discipleship

CDs on Radical Christian Discipleship $79.20 $71.10    Special price of only $3.95 per CD when you purchase the entire set of 18 CDs! Scroll Publishing Co. has published 18 audio CDs containing messages by David Bercot and John D. Ma [...]Add to Cart