Ever since the time of Constantine, “conventional” Christianity has compromised with the world. However, not all Christians have gone along with this compromise. Explore the fascinating history of “Kingdom Christians” who had the courage to stand for truth. Learn about courageous people from every era of Christianity.
Mix or match up to 11 titles. For evangelism only. CDs in professionally printed full-color cardboard sleeves make a better impression for evangelism than CDs in white paper envelopes. You can mix or match up to eleven titles in cardboard slee [...]Add to Cart $135.00
David Bercot. The essence of Christianity is an obedient love-faith relationship with Jesus Christ. Since the days of the apostles, very few Christians have had such an obedient love-faith relationship with Jesus, as did Francis of Assisi. Bor [...]Audio 2 CD set $9.902 Digital Download Set $7.90
D. Bercot. In these messages, Bercot examines the following 5 verses that are so commonly misunderstood: 1. Rom. 8:35: “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” 2. 1 Cor. 6:12: “All things are lawful.” 3. John 1:1: “The Word was with Go [...]Audio CD Set $9.90Digital Download Set $7.90
D. Bercot. Sadly, what most of us were taught about the Apocrypha are myths. In these messages, Bercot sets the record straight. Two 60 minute audio messages Audio CD set $9.90 CD Quantity . To purchase digital download, click the button below [...]Audio 2 CD set $9.902 Digital Download Set $7.90
David Bercot. Many Christian books and commentators today portray Jesus as the first feminist. These commentators typically point to the Mishnah to argue that Jesus’ treatment of women was nothing short of revolutionary in His day. However, Be [...]Audio 2 CD set $9.902 Digital Download Set $7.90
John D. Martin. At the time of the Reformation, there was a clear line of demarcation between the Anabaptists and the mainline Reformers such as Luther and Calvin. Not only did their lifestyles differ, but so did their views of salvation, God, [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95
David Bercot. The Scripture describes Abraham as "the father of all those who believe." Yes, many modern commentaries paint a highly critical picture of him, calling him a coward, a liar, and a man who often lacked faith - based largely on the [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95
D. Bercot. An audio account of the history and beliefs of the Anabaptists—from their origins during the Reformation in 16th century Europe down to the changes in the 19th century and continuing through today. Bercot not only relates history bu [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95
The Apology of Tertullian in Audio Format Read by David Bercot. There is no 2nd century work that gives the reader such a broad overview of early Christianity as Tertullian’s famous Apology—which we have made available in abridged audio format [...]Audio CD $0.00Digital Download $3.95
David Bercot. In the age of Constantine, the Donatists were the first ones to stand up and ask, "What does the emperor have to do with the church?" It was a question that needed to be asked, but the Donatists paid a heavy price in blood for as [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95
David Bercot. Most people think that the theory that life on earth got here by accident is a modern view—a product of the age of science. However, as Bercot demonstrates in his message, the teaching that life on earth sprung up by accident is [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95
In this audio message, David Bercot reads two of John Wesley's works: The Error of Imputed Righteousness and How Christians Should Dress. Wesley strongly opposed the teaching that Christ's blood does not actually deliver us from sin, but rathe [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95
The Lollards grew out of the reform movement of John Wycliffe. They (not Wycliffe) translated the first English Bible, and they turned 14th century England upside down with their preaching and kingdom witness. Although persecuted, they continu [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95