In this collection of books, we have chosen easy-to-read translations of select Early Christian works. We have also included historical books that allow us to put the Early Christian writing in their historical context.

Leonard Verduin. An engrossing, detailed study of the hybrid to which Constantine gave birth: the state church.The author analyzes some of the distortions of Christianity that this hybrid has engendered. 274 pp. Paper. $9.95 $10.95 Quantity

The early Christian writings known as the Ante-Nicene Fathers are the most valuable aid to understanding the New Testament in its historical context. Now, you can have their entire writings at your disposal in PDF format. Our PDF version is co [...]

Paul Brown has kindly recorded the entire Common Sense book into MP3 audio format. Note: We have re-mastered the original recording. 1 MP3 disc $4.95 MP3 CD Quantity

D. Bercot. In this sequel to Will the Real Heretics Please Stand Up, Bercot explains seven common sense principles of document interpretation that will enable the reader to draw from the New Testament Scriptures the meaning intended by the apo [...]

David W. Bercot, editor. This scholarly work collects together over 7000 quotations from the writings of the early Christians, arranged alphabetically by topic. Find out what the early Christians believed on various doctrines and lifestyle iss [...]

C. F. Cruse, Trans. Here is the history of the early church from the close of the Book of Acts up to the time of Constantine. This is the complete, unabridged version in a modern translation. 477 pp. Hardback. $29.95 Quantity

Now available again in Spanish in a fresh new translation. The new Spanish edition bears the title, Que Hablen Los Primeros Cristianos (Let The First Christians Speak). Only $3.75 each when purchasing 10 or more copies for evangelism. Quantity

David Bercot, ed. The Historic Faith Commentary on Matthew is designed to help readers see the Gospel of Matthew through the eyes of the Christians who lived in the early centuries after Christ—before church councils and theological controvers [...]

Romans Commentary How Romans Was Understood Before Augustine and Luther D. Bercot. Enables the reader to share the same experience that a Christian living in the first four centuries would have experienced when hearing Romans explained on a gi [...]

Clement of Alexandria Insights from an early Christian elder on what it truly means to know God. Designed to lead the reader to a deeper walk with God. Note: This book was formerly entitled The One Who Knows God.144 pp. paperback. $8.95 Quanti [...]

As most of our readers know, we do not recommend the use of modern commentaries. That’s because the information in them is so often inaccurate and untruthful. At the same time, we recognize that many New Testament passages are difficult for th [...]