To qualify for the evangelism rate, these CDs must be given away to others. In order to receive the evangelism rate, you must order a minimum of five copies of any title that you select.

Evangelism CDs: Jesus and the Father
Evangelism CDs: Jesus and the Father

This CD is specifically designed to give away to JWs who call at your door. But its purpose is not to win an argument with them. Its purpose is to help JWs come to a proper understanding of the divinity of Christ—even though they will probably [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Kingdom of God
Evangelism CDs: Kingdom of God

In this CD, David Bercot explains what the kingdom of God is, why it was the theme of Jesus’ and the apostles’ preaching, and what difference it makes in the life of a Christian when we understand the Kingdom of God. Bercot also discusses some [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Kingdom Parables of Jesus
Evangelism CDs: Kingdom Parables of Jesus

David Bercot. The theme of most of Jesus’ parables was the kingdom of God. In fact, these parables contain many of the essential truths about the kingdom. Yet, because they don’t fit the theology of most churches, Jesus’ kingdom parables have [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Lessons God Has Taught Me
Evangelism CDs: Lessons God Has Taught Me

David Bercot. Growing up a Jehovah’s Witness, Bercot has had a long, winding pilgrimage in finding and serving Christ. Yet, in many respects, he would not have wanted it any other way. The reason is that God has taught David so many things on [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Let Me Die In Ireland MP3 CD
Evangelism CDs: Let Me Die In Ireland MP3 CD

Audio Book.Let Me Die in Ireland by David Bercot cuts through all of the myths about Patrick and presents a dramatized biography of the authentic Christian missionary, Patrick. The story of the real man is far more exciting and inspiring than [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Life After Death
Evangelism CDs: Life After Death

What the Early Christians Believed About Life After Death. David Bercot. Do we go straight to heaven or hell when we die? Or, is there an intermediate state? Here's what the early Christians believed, along with the Biblical basis for their be [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Living in the Kingdom Now
Evangelism CDs: Living in the Kingdom Now

John D. Martin. The kingdom of God is a place where we live now —as well as in eternity. Jesus told us to seek first the kingdom of God, not to seek first our personal salvation. Yet, too many Christians make their own personal salvation the m [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Lord’s Prayer
Evangelism CDs: Lord’s Prayer

David Bercot. What the Early Christians Believed About The Lord’s Prayer. One day, Jesus’ disciples came to Him, asking, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.” In response, Jesus gave His disciples a brief prayer, that ha [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Mary
Evangelism CDs: Mary

D. Bercot. The doctrine of Mary is perhaps the single largest doctrine that separates Catholics from Protestants and evangelicals. In this CD, Bercot provides an objective look at what the Scriptures teach about Mary, as well as what the early [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Menno Simons – My Testimony / New Birth
Evangelism CDs: Menno Simons – My Testimony / New Birth

"My Testimony" and "The New Birth" In this CD, David Bercot reads two of Menno Simon's most important works: "My Testimony" and "The New Birth." These messages are just as challenging to the modern-day believer as they were in Menno Simons' da [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Millennium and Rapture
Evangelism CDs: Millennium and Rapture

What The Early Christians Believed About the Millennium and Rapture. Will Christ literally reign on earth for 1000 years? Were the early Christians pre-millennialists, post-millennialists, or amillennialists—or none of the above? Did they beli [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Ministry of Widows and Virgins
Evangelism CDs: Ministry of Widows and Virgins

When Paul told Timothy, “Do not let a widow under sixty years old be taken into the number,” he was referring to the order of widows who ministered in the church through intercessory prayer and by visiting sick and imprisoned Christians. In th [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Modest Dress and Cosmetics
Evangelism CDs: Modest Dress and Cosmetics

The Apostle Peter wrote, “Do not let your adornment be outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on apparel—rather let it be the hidden person of the heart.” But just how literally did the early Christians take that apostolic comman [...]Add to Cart