To qualify for the evangelism rate, these CDs must be given away to others. In order to receive the evangelism rate, you must order a minimum of five copies of any title that you select.

Evangelism CDs: Myth of the 7 Ecumenical Councils
Evangelism CDs: Myth of the 7 Ecumenical Councils

David Bercot. The Eastern Orthodox Church claims that there have been seven ecumenical councils, whose decisions have the same authority as Scripture. But is this true? What really happened at these seven councils? What were their pronouncemen [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Obeying Christ Is Not Legalism
Evangelism CDs: Obeying Christ Is Not Legalism

Christians who take the commandments of Christ seriously are often accused of being legalistic. In this message, David Bercot discusses the views of the early Christians on the subject of obedience. They saw a clear distinction between obedien [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: On Being a Radical Christian
Evangelism CDs: On Being a Radical Christian

David Bercot. Today there are tens of thousands of Christians who are serious about radical discipleship. Yet, despite their eagerness to give their lives totally to Christ, they so often ignore some of His important teachings. Although they w [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Sabbath
Evangelism CDs: Sabbath

What The Early Christians Believed About the Sabbath by David Bercot. Did the early Christians observe a Saturday Sabbath--or any Sabbath at all? Did they worship on Sunday or Saturday? Did they view Sunday as the Christian counterpart of the [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Salvation
Evangelism CDs: Salvation

What The Early Christians Believed About Salvation by David Bercot. Did the early Christians believe that we saved by faith alone? Does obedience play a role in salvation? What the early Christians believed may surprise you. 70 min. CD. $2.00 [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Sarah and Hagar – Faith or Presumption?
Evangelism CDs: Sarah and Hagar – Faith or Presumption?

David Bercot. Abraham is often criticized for his fathering Ishmael through Hagar at Sarah's request. People often say, "But he didn't inquire of God first!" But what was God's view of the matter? Bercot presents a different view than what is [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Satan and the Demons
Evangelism CDs: Satan and the Demons

David Bercot. What the Early Christians Believed About Satan and the Demons. Some of the things the church originally believed about Satan and the demons is similar to what most Christians believe today. However, much of what Christians origin [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Seeing Christ in Daniel
Evangelism CDs: Seeing Christ in Daniel

Chuck Pike. We’ve all read the account of Daniel in the lion’s den many times. Yet, most of us have done so without ever realizing how so many events surrounding Daniel’s arrest, punishment, and deliverance were prophetic shadows. Once you hea [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Seeing Christ in Daniel
Evangelism CDs: Seeing Christ in Daniel

Chuck Pike. We’ve all read the account of Daniel in the lion’s den many times. Yet, most of us have done so without ever realizing how so many events surrounding Daniel’s arrest, punishment, and deliverance were prophetic shadows. Once you hea [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Seeing Christ in Joshua
Evangelism CDs: Seeing Christ in Joshua

Chuck Pike. You've no doubt read the account of Joshua and the fall of Jericho many times. You may know the story of Rahab and the two spies by heart. But did you realize that these events were prophetic pictures of Christ, the plan of salvati [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Separation from the World
Evangelism CDs: Separation from the World

David Bercot. What the Early Christians Believed About Separation from the World. The Bible exhorts us: "Adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life – MP3 CD
Evangelism CDs: Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life – MP3 CD

A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life is one of the most challenging books ever written on living the Christian life! Now a condensed audio version of it is available for those who have not had the time to read this inspiring classic. Wheth [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Shadows of Christ in the Old Testament
Evangelism CDs: Shadows of Christ in the Old Testament

Did you know that the Old Testament is loaded with symbols and types of New Testament realities—such as the cross, baptism, communion, the church, the crown of thorns, the crucifixion, and, of course, Jesus Christ Himself? As the early Christi [...]Add to Cart