Have you ever wondered what Christians believed in the first few generations after the apostles? Before there were state churches, councils, and denominations? What did they believe about gifts of the Spirit? Or, the millennium? What about baptism and communion? In the “What the Early Christians Believed” series of audio recordings, David Bercot, editor of A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs, explains what these Christians believed on over thirty topics.
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What the Early Christians Believed About Separation from the World. D. Bercot. The Bible exhorts us: Adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes him [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

D. Bercot. Did the early Christians really meet in the catacombs? Did they hide there during persecution? Why were the catacombs built? What do the paintings on the walls of the catacombs tell us? In this audio message, Bercot cuts through pop [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

What The Early Christians Believed About Tithing and Fasting. One of the questions we are most frequently asked is: "What did the early Christians believe about tithing? Did they teach literal tithing, or did they simply teach voluntary giving [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

What The Early Christians Believed About the Trinity. The Trinity is one of the central doctrines of Christianity. Probably most Christians have heard of the Nicene Creed, and they think they hold to its teachings on the Deity of Christ. Howev [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

What The Early Christians Believed About the Two Kingdoms. The average Christian today has never even heard of the doctrine called “the two kingdoms.” Yet, it is a fundamental doctrine of Christianity that concerns our relationship with the go [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

What The Early Christians Believed About War. Of all the evils that plague mankind, war is perhaps the greatest. In the past century alone, war claimed over 70 million lives. But Jesus taught His followers to love their enemies. He said, “All [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

D. Bercot. Were The Early Christian Writings Tampered With? One of the questions David Bercot is frequently asked is: How do we know that the early Christian writings haven't been tampered with? Can we really put our complete confidence in the [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Early Christian Writings In Audio Format Hear the early Christians speak for themselves! In this audio message, David Bercot reads some of the stirring writings of the 2nd century Christians that describe what Christianity was like in that era [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

D. Bercot. Many Christians today worry that perhaps they were never actually saved. In this message, Bercot explains that the early Christians looked at salvation in two stages—past and future. They viewed their past salvation as an objective [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

D. Bercot. One of the most puzzling passages of Scripture is 1 Cor. 15:29, where Paul twice mentions “baptism for the dead.” What was this? Was this something orthodox Christians practiced? The earliest explanation we have of this practice was [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

David Bercot. When most Protestants think of great Christian leaders, they usually don't think of the 12 apostles. However, they were some of the greatest Christians who have ever lived. One of the things that made them great was their willing [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

David Bercot. There are many things that Christians today could learn from the early church, such as: a better understranding of New Testament Greek, grasping the mindset of New Testament Christians, and obtaining accurate historical and socia [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

In this audio message, Bercot introduces his listeners to the most important figures in the early church (A. D. 90-325). This helpful disc includes church leaders, writers, martyrs, and heretics. He provides biographical information about each [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95