David Bercot. Secrets Of The Kingdom Life was written to make the reader hungry for a deeper walk with Christ. Among other things, David Bercot shows the reader how to have a powerful devotional time with God each day and then to remain in communion with God throughout the day.
280 pp. Paper. $10.95
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Jesus says, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” Yet, He also says, “My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” How can both of those teachings be true? The answer is to be found among the Secrets Of The Kingdom Life. Every one of God’s commands was given to us because He loves us, not to add burdens to our lives. Abandoning ourselves to the Kingdom Life is not only a narrow way, but a joyous way as well. For Jesus’ yoke to be easy, we need more of Jesus, not less of Him.
Secrets Of The Kingdom Life was written to make the reader hungry for a deeper walk with Christ. Among other things, Bercot shows the reader how to have a powerful devotional time with God each day and then to remain in communion with God throughout the day. The reader who puts the teachings on prayer, Bible study, reflection, and obedience into action will draw closer to God than ever before. Bercot addresses issues of heart and spirit in a gracious yet convicting way and challenges the reader to make a decisive commitment to live a life totally surrendered to Christ.
280 pp. Paper. $10.95
“If our people could put these truths to work, we would hear God speaking to us like never before. It would lead to an awakening, a powerful movement of God as in other days when the common people were smitten by the Word of God anew.” Ken Miller, minister
I’ve just finished reading this excellent book.
Secrets of The Kingdom Life should be in every
Christian home. It is challenging and worthy to be read
several times. The chapters on the different types of obedience
were an eye opener. My hope some day that this book will become a Christian
Classic in its own right.
This is a modern-day Serious Call To A Holy And Devout Life (William Law)! After reading this book, my prayer life has changed. My thought-life has changed. This book is powerful because the author actually lives whatever he says in it. Do you want to deepen the relationship with the Lord? Do you want to leave something really valuable on this earth? Do you want to be His holy vessel for His Kingdom? Then this book is for you.
This work impacted our family from reading it 4 years ago. Now, reading it again, more devotionally, the insights from the saints of the past two millennia reinforce even more the whole package of what God’s been dealing with us about. We thank God for gems like this!
A worthy read for any sincere Christian.
With many stories to help illustrate his points, Bercot expounds on many aspects of living a Christian life.
I recommend this book as an additional read in my book, the Box Top to Life’s Puzzle.
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