David Bercot. When we pick up our Bibles, we assume we are reading the Word of God. However, every translation is also an interpretation. That’s because the text – Greek or Hebrew – can often be translated in different ways. Yet, the meaning of a verse can be very different, depending on how it is translated. Bercot gives examples from the New Testament of how translators have made arbitrary decisions and have often unjustifiable added words to Scripture to fit their theology.
60 minute audio message

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David Bercot. When we pick up our Bibles, we assume we are reading the Word of God. However, every translation is also an interpretation. That’s because the text – Greek or Hebrew – can often be translated in different ways. Yet, the meaning of a verse can be very different, depending on how it is translated. Bercot gives examples from the New Testament of how translators have made arbitrary decisions and have often unjustifiable added words to Scripture to fit their theology.
60 minute audio message


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