What the Early Christians Believed About Entertainment. Today Christians are faced with lots of choices in entertainment. Yet, many types of entertainment aren’t appropriate for Christians. But it was no different for the church in the first few centuries. The Romans were a very entertainment-oriented society, with chariot races, boxing, gladiator fights, and lurid dramas on stage. But the early Christians rejected inappropriate entertainment, setting an example for Christians today.
70 minute audio message
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What the Early Christians Believed About Entertainment. Today Christians are faced with lots of choices in entertainment. Yet, many types of entertainment aren’t appropriate for Christians. But it was no different for the church in the first few centuries. The Romans were a very entertainment-oriented society, with chariot races, boxing, gladiator fights, and lurid dramas on stage. But the early Christians rejected inappropriate entertainment, setting an example for Christians today.
70 minute audio message
As a college student who has been influenced by high technology and worldly entertainment, I am very convicted by this message and by how the early Christians lived their lives. I realized that first to fourth century Rome is not too different from the twentieth century, in terms of entertainment, sexuality, lust and so on. And yet, in the similar situation, the early Christians separated themselves from the world by obeying the Word of God, which remains me of 1 John 2:15-17 and 2 Corinthians 6:14-18. Being a member of a Protestant church, I can always see how my fellow believers have been influenced by the world (in terms of dress, language, entertainment, etc.), and yet they often consider it acceptable, or claim that it is just “conscience” issue. I had thought it was okay for me to be like them for a while. Nevertheless, I am blessed to be able to fellowship with a group of Anabaptist brothers and sisters lately, and their life and they way they follow the Word of God have opened my eyes to see my life and convicted me. Having listened to this message, I then decided to get rid of all of my music, movies, TV shows, video games and worldly books (although they were not anything explicit or inappropriate, I thought if it is not praising God, there’s no reason to keep any of them). I normally don’t like to put up my comments, but I do feel the urge to recommend anyone to listen to this message. I have listened to it probably three times already just to remind myself of the conviction that the early Christians had and that I should have.
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