David Bercot. Most people think that the theory that life on earth got here by accident is a modern view—a product of the age of science. However, as Bercot demonstrates in his message, the teaching that life on earth sprung up by accident is something that some of the ancient Greek philosophers taught centuries before the birth of Christ. It is not a theory that was born out of the age of science—but rather a relic from the age of myth. It came from the age when many people thought that humans sprang from dragon’s teeth!
This is an audio message that we particularly recommend to home schoolers.
60 minute audio message
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David Bercot. Most people think that the theory that life on earth got here by accident is a modern view—a product of the age of science. However, as Bercot demonstrates in his message, the teaching that life on earth sprung up by accident is something that some of the ancient Greek philosophers taught centuries before the birth of Christ. It is not a theory that was born out of the age of science—but rather a relic from the age of myth. It came from the age when many people thought that humans sprang from dragon’s teeth!
This is an audio message that we particularly recommend to home schoolers.
60 minute audio message
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$108.90 $86.90 Special price of $3.95 per CD when you purchase the entire set of 22 CDs! Scroll Publishing Co. has published 44 compact discs containing messages by David Bercot about what the early Christians believed. We have di [...]Add to Cart

What The Early Christians Believed About the Millennium and Rapture. Will Christ literally reign on earth for 1000 years? Were the early Christians pre-millennialists, post-millennialists, or amillennialists—or none of the above? Did they beli [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

David Bercot. What the Early Christians Believed About Divorce and Remarriage. A century ago, it was extremely rare for a non-Christian—let alone a Christian—to obtain a divorce. Today, so-called Bible-believing Christians divorce one another [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95
Review Audio: Evolution: Relic from the Age of Myths.