Many—but not all—of the holidays that Christians celebrate today are actually pagan festivals re-dressed in Christian clothing. In this informative audio message, Bercot goes back to the writings of the early Christians to separate the genuine Christian holy days from pagan holidays. He particularly focuses on Christmas and Easter.
Bercot argues for the importance of commemorating those holy days that are truly Christian.
70 minute audio message
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Many—but not all—of the holidays that Christians celebrate today are actually pagan festivals re-dressed in Christian clothing. In this informative audio message, Bercot goes back to the writings of the early Christians to separate the genuine Christian holy days from pagan holidays. He particularly focuses on Christmas and Easter.
Bercot argues for the importance of commemorating those holy days that are truly Christian.
70 minute audio message
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David Bercot. There are many things that Christians today could learn from the early church, such as: a better understranding of New Testament Greek, grasping the mindset of New Testament Christians, and obtaining accurate historical and socia [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95
Review Audio: Holidays.