parables of Jesus

David Bercot. “What the Early Christians Believed About the Kingdom Parables of Jesus.” The theme of most of Jesus’ parables was the kingdom of God. In fact, these parables contain many of the essential truths about the kingdom. Yet, because they don’t fit the theology of most churches, Jesus’ kingdom parables have been explained away over the centuries or reinterpreted to fit changing doctrines.
65 minute audio message

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David Bercot. “What the Early Christians Believed About the Kingdom Parables of Jesus.” The theme of most of Jesus’ parables was the kingdom of God. In fact, these parables contain many of the essential truths about the kingdom. Yet, because they don’t fit the theology of most churches, Jesus’ kingdom parables have been explained away over the centuries or reinterpreted to fit changing doctrines. However, the early Christians understood His parables to mean exactly what they obviously say. In this message, Bercot examines what the early church believed about the parables of the wheat and the tares, the dragnet, mustard seed, wise and foolish virgins, wedding feast, and others.
65 minute audio message


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Charles Hood

Highly Recommended

This message, and the message entitled “What the Early Christians Believed about Separation from the World”, are the two messages from brother Bercot that have challenged me the most. I really appreciate the clarity of this message. The three main points spoken of near the start of the message provide a very helpful roadmap to help navigate through the many details presented in the message. The clear exposition of the parable of the true vine and the branches is a real gem and is a very serious and sobering word that all who love Jesus need to hear. This message stays strong, all the way to the very end. This “common sense” way of understanding the kingdom parables of Jesus, together with the use of Jesus’ own words found in other portions of the Gospels to interpret points in His parables that He does not explain, really is the best way to apply these parables to our lives. This is a highly, highly, recommended message.

5 years ago

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