David Bercot. The Eastern Orthodox Church claims that there have been seven ecumenical councils, whose decisions have the same authority as Scripture. But is this true? What really happened at these seven councils? What were their pronouncements? Who called for the convening of them?
In this message, Bercot demonstrates that the claims made about these councils are quite mythical. Not only were their decisions not inspired by God, they often directly contradicted God’s written Word.
70 minute audio message
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David Bercot. The Eastern Orthodox Church claims that there have been seven ecumenical councils, whose decisions have the same authority as Scripture. But is this true? What really happened at these seven councils? What were their pronouncements? Who called for the convening of them?
In this message, Bercot demonstrates that the claims made about these councils are quite mythical. Not only were their decisions not inspired by God, they often directly contradicted God’s written Word.
70 minute audio message
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In this audio message, David Bercot reads two of John Wesley's works: The Error of Imputed Righteousness and How Christians Should Dress. Wesley strongly opposed the teaching that Christ's blood does not actually deliver us from sin, but rathe [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95
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Review Audio: Myth of the 7 Ecumenical Councils.