
Christians who take the commandments of Christ seriously are often accused of being legalistic. In this message, Bercot discusses the views of the early Christians on the subject of obedience. They saw a clear distinction between obedience (which Christ requires) and legalism (which is contrary to the spirit of Christ). This message explains the difference between obedience and legalism and helps the listener discern if his obedience has become legalism–or if he perhaps is simply disobedient.
70 minute audio message

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Christians who take the commandments of Christ seriously are often accused of being legalistic. In this message, Bercot discusses the views of the early Christians on the subject of obedience. They saw a clear distinction between obedience (which Christ requires) and legalism (which is contrary to the spirit of Christ). This message explains the difference between obedience and legalism and helps the listener discern if his obedience has become legalism–or if he perhaps is simply disobedient.
70 minute audio message


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Danold Brown

"Obedience Is Not Legalism" or "The difference between legalism and obedience"

This is an awesome CD. In a recent conversation a friend mentioned something along the lines that rules do not work in church. My understanding of rules has been extremely influenced by this CD. I believe that the church is tremendously handicapped by many things, but one of them is a very sloppy, sentimental definition of legalism. This coupled with a horrible phobia about anything to do with “works” is like handcuffs for the church. This pair of sloppy ideas vastly limits productivity in the church. Frequently if we ask people to do something we are accused of supporting “works righteousness,” and this will pretty much shut down the conversation. Anyway, this CD defines the word legalism in about 3 different ways. Weather you agree or disagree with it, I believe that it will improve your ability tremendously to think about the subject logically, to have discussions touching on the subject, and to make decisions that people accuse of touching on it. I do have a copy of th

5 years ago

Review Audio: Obeying Christ Is not Legalism.

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