David Bercot. The Difference Between Spirit & Soul And Why It Matters.
Most of us have been taught that the man’s soul and spirit are the same. We have also been told that we are unable to do good in our human state – without being born again. But is this true? The Scriptures talk about body, soul, and spirit. The early Christians believed that fallen man can still do good because of our spirit, which reflects the consciousness of God in man. A very different way of looking at mankind!
60 minute audio message

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David Bercot. The Difference Between Spirit & Soul And Why It Matters.
Most of us have been taught that the man’s soul and spirit are the same. We have also been told that we are unable to do good in our human state – without being born again. But is this true? The Scriptures talk about body, soul, and spirit. The early Christians believed that fallen man can still do good because of our spirit, which reflects the consciousness of God in man. A very different way of looking at mankind!
60 minute audio message


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Donald McKay

Bible + ANF = good basis for understanding

We first came across this teaching in a comic book – yes – a comic book by Steve Gregg, called The Good News Underground Growthbook for fledgeling disciples, in 1990. When David Bercot taught this subject in great measure, we were thrilled! Both Steve and David are students of the ANF and bring out the clear understanding the early Christians had on 1] the centrality of the soul, 2] the Scripture’s teaching on how vital it is to walk according to the spirit rather than the flesh, and 3] how this has been largely hidden from English language Bible readers because of one tiny change between the 1611 KJV and its subsequent revisions. This is an important message.

5 years ago
Brett Hancock

Christianity 101 in my opinion

To really understand the nature of mankind, both saved and unsaved, this message is critical. It explains why both atheists and godly people do some of the virtues listed by Paul in Galatians 5:22-25, i.e .love, joy, patience, self-control, peace… etc… on some occasions, and sometimes not.
In essence, it unfolds how the soul is the decision maker and the spirit tries to get the soul to choose the godly influence it is having on the person, and in contrast, the demons working through the body of flesh, which loves comforts and passions, to follow its desires. The choices either please God or not. Following the flesh, produces condemnation and the need for the Savior to as Titus 2:11 says “the Grace of God has appeared (Jesus) training/disciplining use to say “No” to impiety (ungodliness) and worldly desires, and to live temperate (self-controlled), righteous (doing what is right, merciful and just) and godly (pious) lives while we wait for the blessed hope of our great God and savior, Jesus Christ (2nd coming).. Repentance (change of mind literally from the greek word metanoia) is about abandoning walking with the flesh through this definition of Grace, and walking the rest of our lives according to the spirit. This message helped me so much. Thank you David!!

4 years ago

Review Audio: The Difference Between Spirit & Soul.

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