David Bercot. The Scriptures speak of the “faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). Yet, some Christians claim that the Church has the authority to further develop the faith. Did the original faith lack something? In this message, Bercot explains what the earliest Christians believed—those who had received the faith firsthand from the apostles.

70 minute audio message

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David Bercot. The Scriptures speak of the “faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). Yet, some Christians claim that the Church has the authority to further develop the faith. Did the original faith lack something? In this message, Bercot explains what the earliest Christians believed—those who had received the faith firsthand from the apostles.
70 minute audio message


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Dave Kinsella

An Excellent Message

I believe this message sums up David Bercot’s whole ministry. If I were to give my friends any message of Bercot’s in order to convince them of the logic of looking to the Early Church as the source of understanding difficult Bible passages, I would give them this and perhaps his new CD ” Were the Apostles Failures?”

5 years ago

Review Audio: The Faith Once For All Delivered.

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