D. Bercot. It’s no secret that some churches and denominations grow rapidly. At the same time, other churches and denominations either stagnate or even decrease in size. And we’re not talking about the type of growth based on unprincipled compromises with the world. In this message, Bercot sets forth the three principles that characterize virtually all churches that evangelize successfully, and he gives specific examples of how these principles can be put into action.
70 minute audio message

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D. Bercot. It’s no secret that some churches and denominations grow rapidly. At the same time, other churches and denominations either stagnate or even decrease in size. And we’re not talking about the type of growth based on unprincipled compromises with the world. In this message, Bercot sets forth the three principles that characterize virtually all churches that evangelize successfully, and he gives specific examples of how these principles can be put into action.
70 minute audio message


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