D. Bercot. The Book of Acts ends with Paul’s first imprisonment in Rome. But what happened after that? What eventually became of Paul? What about Peter, John and the rest of the apostles? How far did Christianity spread in the 1st and 2nd centuries? Who led the church after the apostles died? What challenges did the new church face? Happily, we don’t have to guess about such matters. The historical record of the 2nd century sheds considerable light on what happened during the 1st century after the Book of Acts was written. This message covers the period from A.D. 30 to the middle of the 2nd century.
60 minute audio message
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D. Bercot. The Book of Acts ends with Paul’s first imprisonment in Rome. But what happened after that? What eventually became of Paul? What about Peter, John and the rest of the apostles? How far did Christianity spread in the 1st and 2nd centuries? Who led the church after the apostles died? What challenges did the new church face? Happily, we don’t have to guess about such matters. The historical record of the 2nd century sheds considerable light on what happened during the 1st century after the Book of Acts was written. This message covers the period from A.D. 30 to the middle of the 2nd century. 60 minute audio message
If you want to know what became of the Apostle’s and the Church not mentioned in Acts, get this CD.
We found this to be a fascinating overview of the period, challenging to our own lives to live as they did. Bercot uses reliable primary sources and tells of God’s 1st century moving in other lands of the Middle East and Europe.
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Review Audio: What Happened After Acts.