D. Bercot. When Paul told Timothy, “Do not let a widow under sixty years old be taken into the number,” he was referring to the order of widows who ministered in the church through intercessory prayer and by visiting sick and imprisoned Christians. In this audio message, Bercot discusses the ministry of widows and virgins in the early church.
60 minute audio message
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D. Bercot. When Paul told Timothy, “Do not let a widow under sixty years old be taken into the number,” he was referring to the order of widows who ministered in the church through intercessory prayer and by visiting sick and imprisoned Christians. In this audio message, Bercot discusses the ministry of widows and virgins in the early church.
60 minute audio message
We’ve read 1 Timothy 5 often over the decades, but it was never expounded on in teaching, regardless of the doctrinal slants of churches we fellowshipped among as we traveled.
Here at last (although several years ago) we learned what Jesus’ original followers believed & practiced to meet this need. Thank you, brother David, for bringing this explanation, with contemporary testimonies, to light.
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Review Audio: Widows and Virgins: Their Ministry in the Early Church.