Dean Taylor The Anabaptists have constituted one of the most important Kingdom movements in the history of Christianity. In this series of exciting messages, Taylor first talks about the early Christians and kingdom movements prior to the Anabaptists. He then thoroughly explains the events and people who were important in the birth of the Anabaptist Movement in the 16th Century. From there, Taylor describes the Amish-Mennonite division and other key events in the history of the Anabaptists through today.
Special $64.90
22 Audio CD Set
Dean Taylor The Anabaptists have constituted one of the most important Kingdom movements in the history of Christianity. In this series of exciting messages, Taylor first talks about the early Christians and kingdom movements prior to the Anabaptists. He then thoroughly explains the events and people who were important in the birth of the Anabaptist Movement in the 16th Century. From there, Taylor describes the Amish-Mennonite division and other key events in the history of the Anabaptists through today. This set of 22 CDs covers the following topics:
Disc 1: Introduction to Anabaptist History
Disc 2: The Early Church
Disc 3: Early Church Problems and Constantine
Disc 4: The Church Councils and the Pilgrim Church
Disc 5: Erasmus, Luther and The Radical Reformation
Disc 6: The Early Lives of Zwingli and Conrad Grebel
Disc 7: The Birth of the Anabaptists
Disc 8: The Early Swiss Brethren
Disc 9: The Martyrdom of Michael Sattler and the Schleitheim Confession
Disc 10: Swiss Brethren: Growth & Persecution
Disc 11: The Birth of the Amish
Disc 12: Early Anabaptist Concept of Missions and the Kingdom of God
Disc 13: The Birth of the Hutterites: Part 1
Disc 14: The Hutterites: Part 2
Disc 15: The Munster Tragedy and Melchior Hoffman
Disc 16: Menno Simons and the Early Dutch Anabaptists
Disc 17: The Church Splits of Holland: Lessons for Today
Disc 18: The Russian Mennonite Fire and the Decline of the Dutch Mennonites
Disc 19: The Anabaptists Come to America
Disc 20: The Anabaptists Revival
Disc 21: The 20th Century Anabaptist Mission Movement
Disc 22: “Be History Makers!”
Available as individual CDs – $4.95
22 CDs $108.90 if purchased individually. Special $64.90
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Review CD Set: Anabaptist History Series.