David Bercot. Some Christians maintain that unless a bishop or minister is ordained through “apostolic succession,” he has not been validly ordained as a minister of God. Here is a thorough discussion of what the Bible and the early Christians taught on this subject.
Two 70 minute Audio Messages
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David Bercot. What the Bible Teaches About Apostolic Succession. Some Christians maintain that unless a bishop or minister is ordained through “apostolic succession,” he has not been validly ordained as a minister of God. Here is a thorough discussion of what the Bible and the early Christians taught on this subject.
Two 70 minute audio messages
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D. Bercot. Many Christians today worry that perhaps they were never actually saved. In this message, Bercot explains that the early Christians looked at salvation in two stages—past and future. They viewed their past salvation as an objective [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

David Bercot. What The Early Christians Believed About Why God Permits Evil. Some of the questions most asked today are: "Is there really a God? If so, and if He is Good and Almighty, then why does evil exist? Why wouldn't an Almighty God stam [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

David Bercot. What the Early Christians Believed About the Head Covering. What was Paul referring to in 1 Corinthians 11 when he said, “Every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head”? Was he referring to a clot [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95
Review Audio Set: What the Bible Teaches About Apostolic Succession.