In the years ahead, we can expect more and more laws that will create serious issues of conscience for kingdom-focused Christians. Bercot explains how the First Amendment and legal system work in our country. He then sets forth concrete steps we need to take when such persecution comes, in order to protect ourselves legally.

This message was originally presented as an audio CD. That audio recording has now been transcribed and is available to read as a Kindle e-book. To purchase the Kindle book, please click on the following link.


Do Christians today need to worry about persecution in the United States? Well, we aren’t likely to see the banning of Christianity in the U. S. in our lifetimes. But we can expect more and more laws that will create serious issues of conscience for kingdom-focused Christians. Bercot explains how the First Amendment and legal system work in our country. He then sets forth concrete steps we need to take when such persecution comes, in order to protect ourselves legally. This message was originally presented as an audio CD. That audio recording has now been transcribed and is available to read as a Kindle e-book. To purchase the Kindle book, please click on the following link.


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