When Christianity was young, the focus was on Jesus Christ and His kingdom – not theology. In the beginning, Christians understood that the essence of Christianity was an obedient love-faith relationship with Jesus Christ. This was not just any relationship, but a relationship that produced genuine kingdom fruit.


When Christianity was young, the focus was on Jesus Christ and His kingdom – not theology. In the beginning, Christians understood that the essence of Christianity was an obedient love-faith relationship with Jesus Christ. This was not just any relationship, but a relationship that produced genuine kingdom fruit. But then something happened: Theologians took over the church. Once they did, the emphasis soon changed from godly fruit to “orthodox” theology. Christianity became Doctrianity. In this provocative work, Bercot argues that it’s time to let Jesus speak through the pages of the Gospels without filtering His teachings through denials and mental gymnastics of the theologians, their books, and their commentaries. It’s time for the children of the kingdom to stand up for Jesus and the gospel that He preached – and it’s time for the theologians to sit down. Will The Theologians Please Sit Down will challenge you to the core in your Christian walk.


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Roger G Kartchner

Will The Theologians Please Sit Down

I am a Mormon. All of Mr Bercot’s writings about early church fathers coincide with my beliefs of a universal apostacy. When the Prophet Joseph Smith was told by The Father that their creeds (referring to 19th century Christianity) were an abomination, He was referring to the extra-biblical creeds such as post Nicene Council Trinitarianism and the doctrine of predestination. As Bercot points out, the writings of the 1st and 2nd century church fathers would today be considered heretical.

5 years ago
John Judge

Another "good 'un"!

Like most of Mr Bercot’s books, you can not glean everything out of this book in just a couple readings, I just finished my 6th pass and found more ammo to put in the old noggin’..Thank God for the Scroll Publishing & Brethren Revival Fellowship, whit out who I would NEVER get a straight answer on some subjects! Everyone needs to read this book, really!

5 years ago
Donald McKay

Will the Theologians Please Sit Down

Regardless of the similarity in titles, this is kind of “the Real Heretics” part II; Bercot here inserts a missing piece of the first book’s theme. There he detailed more of what happened to the church Jesus established two millennia ago, here he describes more of how and why. We fallen people, made in the image of the wondrously-loving Creator, are on a continuous power-grab, and when opportunity presents itself, we enjoy “lording it over” others – especially those not as intelligent or enlightened (ahem!) as we are. Why are the vast majority of us self-described “Christians” in this world self-deceived? Why will great theologians be among that vast throng who hear, “Depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!”? Why has knowing supplanted doing? Because so many of us willingly buy into what we’re told by “those who know” – the “authorities:” the clergy (where’s THAT in my concordance?), authors, and other authoritative / authoritarian teachers, rather than simply obeying Jesus. He t

5 years ago
Thomas E Huntford

Will the Theologians Please Sit Down

Best summary of where the “professing church” has gone wrong I have ever read. Stayed up all night, read through in 1 shot. Avoids extremes. Accurate overview of the true history of the Church. Also very convicting personally…although very well researched, this is not a merely academic study. Be prepared to ask yourself, “How much am I truly a follower of Jesus?

5 years ago
Dave Kinsella

Will the Theologians Please Sit Down

Wow! I started and I couldn’t put it down. I read it in four days. I could have read it in one or two days if I didn’t have four young children who need my attention! I feel this is an important book for all Christians to read no matter what persuasion they may be.

5 years ago
Arlen Beiler


Wow! I was very amazed when I read it. It is a very good book and I highly recommend it for everyone.

5 years ago
Terry E. Kilgore

A synopsis of "Worldly Christianity"

When my “Kingdom Christian” Brother told me about WILL THE THEOLOGIANS PLEASE SIT DOWN.. I told him – “It’s about time”! Now Brother David needs to write.. “Will the Evangelicals please LISTEN UP”? Of course we need to “love them” into the “Kingdom” first! A timely writing! An excellent ‘tool’ to help those of us that are on the ‘front-line’ to better understand how and why the “Worldly Cristians” think and act as they do. Reading thru the second time. A bit more in detail about the highlights of previous writings.. “Heretics”.. “Upside Down” and “Common Sense” – ( which needs to be brought out in paperback once again )! Thank you.. Brother David Bercot.. for your obedience to the Holy Spirit [ when you went to your bookshelf ‘one last time’ ] as you allow your “talents” to manifest! We are all blessed as a result!

5 years ago
Sebastian Gonzales

A wake up call!

Excellent book. I almost feel arrogant to say, I must admit, to be perfectly honest, that I tend towards “Doctrianity.” I live my faith primarily by learning more and more and trying to clear up the lies others teach whenever and wherever someone seems open to hearing the truth as best I understand and can articulate it. I hope such efforts are also some kind of fruit because I have little else to show for my faith. I try to live peacefully and to treat others with respect and fairness, but as to visiting orphans and widows or helping the needy, I give precious little to the bankers (other ministries as I see it). While I think that it is extremely important to teach the necessity of obedience, I hope that I don’t simply talk about it and fail to be obedient myself. Thank you David for staying so focused on what is important, and please don’t let me or anyone else distract you from your invaluable work.

5 years ago

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