David Bercot. This CD is NOT a criticism of the KJV. For the first 150 years after the KJV was published in 1611, it was periodically updated to fit changes in the English language and to occasionally amend the text itself. The last update was made in 1769 under the authority of Oxford University. But then something odd happened.
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70 minute audio message
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David Bercot. This CD is NOT a criticism of the KJV. For the first 150 years after the KJV was published in 1611, it was periodically updated to fit changes in the English language and to occasionally amend the text itself. The last update was made in 1769 under the authority of Oxford University. But then something odd happened.
The KJV suddenly became frozen in time, with no further updates made. But does God want His Word frozen in archaic language? We don’t have to guess, because God Himself has made His will perfectly clear from the New Testament itself.
Review Evangelism CD: Does God Want Us to Use Archaic Bible Translations?.