T. Jones and S. Brown. This book presents unique insights into just how radical and marvelous the Kingdom truly is. It’s addressed to those who are ready and willing to bring forward their own rights and traditions and lay them at the feet of Jesus. The more deeply we go into Kingdom teaching and living, the more we become aliens and strangers in this world.

160 pp. Paper. $10.95

Weight: 0.5 lbs


T. Jones & S. Brown. This book presents unique insights into just how radical and marvelous the Kingdom truly is. It will be disturbing to anyone who is comfortable with easy-believism or whose Christianity bears little resemblance to the Sermon on the Mount.

It’s addressed to those who are ready and willing to bring forward their own rights and traditions and lay them at the feet of Jesus. The more deeply we go into Kingdom teaching and living, the more we become aliens and strangers in this world. The Kingdom of God is central to Christian discipleship and is the umbrella under which most key Christian teachings make sense and find their place.

160 pp. Paper. $10.95


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Dean Wilson

Excellent Book!

Brother Jones and Brown give a compelling account of what life in the kingdom of God is all about, both now and in the future. There are several insights given in this book that I had not fully considered before. I am planning to give copies to the brethren I fellowship with as well as kingdom seeking friends.

5 years ago

Review The Marvelous Kingdom of God.

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