David Bercot. In the beginning, Christians understood that the essence of Christianity was an obedient love-faith relationship with Jesus Christ. This was not just any relationship, but a relationship that produced genuine kingdom fruit. But then something happened: Theologians took over the church. Once they took over, the emphasis soon changed from godly fruit to “orthodox” theology. Christianity became Doctrianity.

In this provocative work, Bercot argues that it’s time to let Jesus speak through the pages of the Gospels without filtering His teachings through the denials and mental gymnastics of the theologians. It’s time for the children of the kingdom to stand up for Jesus and the gospel He preached—and for the theologians to sit down. Over the years, a number of our readers have requested that we make the book available in audio format so they could listen to it while they drive or carry on various chores.

So we have finally done just that. This is the complete, unabridged work on 1 MP3 CD.

1 MP3 CD. 6.5 hours $4.95

Weight: 0.2 lbs


David Bercot. In the beginning, Christians understood that the essence of Christianity was an obedient love-faith relationship with Jesus Christ. This was not just any relationship, but a relationship that produced genuine kingdom fruit. But then something happened: Theologians took over the church. Once they took over, the emphasis soon changed from godly fruit to “orthodox” theology. Christianity became Doctrianity.

In this provocative work, Bercot argues that it’s time to let Jesus speak through the pages of the Gospels without filtering His teachings through the denials and mental gymnastics of the theologians. It’s time for the children of the kingdom to stand up for Jesus and the gospel He preached—and for the theologians to sit down. Over the years, a number of our readers have requested that we make the book available in audio format so they could listen to it while they drive or carry on various chores.

So we have finally done just that. This is the complete, unabridged work on 1 MP3 CD.

1 MP3 CD. 6.5 hours $4.95


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Will the Theologians Please Sit Down

After listening to this book I realized I have believed a lot of things that will send me to hell. I want every minister and friend I know to listen to this. Thank God I have time to repent. If you have not resisted sin because you felt God is going to forgive you just for trusting in Jesus you need to hear where these false and dangerous teachings came from.

5 years ago

Review Will the Theologians Please Sit Down: MP3 Audio Book.

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