But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. –Matt. 9:36-37
Honduras has seen a year like none other, and as we come to the close of 2020 we want to celebrate the faithfulness of our Shepherd. We also celebrate the compassion of his body for thousands of people across Honduras in myriads of acts of love and provision that have made a BIG difference. Perhaps the numbers below will show just how much has been done this year through our generous readers who have opened their hearts and hands this year to give and serve.

With the help of the February team and many generous donations, over 7000+ blocks were laid for the health clinic near Taulabe. The keys for the official opening of the clinic were delivered to the medical personnel today, Monday, December 21st. This clinic will reach the surrounding community of over 8000 people, especially pregnant mothers, infants, and the elderly.
The Society started packing and delivering food bags back in March, and we continue to do so. This past week, volunteers from various churches packaged another round of 900+ bags. Each of these food bags weigh over 45 pounds. Bible tracts are included with each food bag. Since the pandemic began, we have been able to deliver food and other necessities to over 40,000 people.

Thirty-two pastors have tirelessly pulled together leaders and teams to reach sixteen neighborhoods in Siguatepeque, six communities surrounding Siguatepeque, five villages in Santa Barbara, four villages around La Paz, two communities on the northern coast of Honduras, six Lenca Indian villages, and four towns around La Lima, San Pedro and El Progresso—for a total of 43 communities being helped with desperate needs from the pandemic and two hurricanes. Each pastor will continue to follow up and minister to those in their community who have benefited from the food bags, medical resources, and gospel outreach.

In the town of La Paz, we have begun a community garden project. Participating community members each grow a different vegetable, such as carrots, green beans, squash, corn, cucumbers, and tomatoes. As the people begin to harvest these crops, they will trade needed vegetables to one another. This will help supply them with a healthy diet. From the nearby Lenca blackberry and peach farms, we were able to purchase more than 15,000 pounds of fruit. This fruit was transported to Siguatepeque and then resold at fair prices—with all the profits going back to the Lenca community.
Although we largely had to put the Society’s microloan ministry on hold this year, we were still able to provide loans to help grow the businesses of a taxi driver, a pulperia, and a furniture maker.

It’s easy to forget the reality and closeness of the body of Christ until disasters like these strike. The people of Honduras again thank you from the bottoms of their hearts. God bless all of you!
Julie Nyhoff de Valladares
The Society of the Good Shepherd, P. O. Box 122, Amberson, PA 17210 • (717) 349-7033
Click on the following link if you would care to make a donation to the work in Honduras: Honduras Donations