What the Early Christians Believed About Israel in Prophecy. Millions of Christians have it all figured out how various Old Testament prophecies are being fulfilled today—or how they will be fulfilled in the future—through the nation of Israel. But are we understanding those prophecies correctly?
Two 70 minute audio messages
2 Audio CD Set $9.90
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What the Early Christians Believed About Israel in Prophecy. Millions of Christians have it all figured out how various Old Testament prophecies are being fulfilled today—or how they will be fulfilled in the future—through the nation of Israel. But are we understanding those prophecies correctly?
Two 70 minute audio messages
The Israel CDs are great stuff, as usual
By Shibo The choice to put this picture and not other one, out of so many, on the CD shows where the heart of the massage is (like every other choice we make that shows our heart). It seems to me that there is a goal to show that the Modern state of Israel is not in prophecies and is not a fulfillment of the prophecies, and then there is a theory built around this goal and not vice verse. As he says in the massage, the early Christians didn’t say much about the subject, so it is hard to say what did they believe about it. (I would think to present this massage under a different name maybe). I would interpret some of the prophecies he is talking about in a different way, so it is hard to say that the way he presents the prophecy is the only way to view it (Isaiah 7 for example). I would refer to other prophecies like Ezekiel 37:1-14 which according to my understanding is talking about the modern state of Israel, Or Jeremiah 31:35-36, which promises that the offspring of Israel will exist before the Lord as a nature’s law. It is about the glory of God that we are talking when we see his promises being kept and fulfilled after thousands of years and not about the glory of men. I also think that if God could use a donkey to speak he can use some secular people like Hertzl and Ben-Gurion. Again, not for their glory but for his glory only.
When we first listened to these messages years ago, the sad reality dawned that we had been robbed of historic facts, edited out of our history books. Bercot again has dug out and organized primary source material – what Jesus and His pre-Constantine disciples said about Israel’s judgment (being stripped of the Kingdom) and how its fulfillment was carried out. This teaching is on TWO CDs because there is so much information brought to light that most of us knew nothing of. When humans try to undo or tamper with God’s decrees, and announce that they are acting on God’s behalf, He allows it for a time. We were deceived by false teachers, and thought we had no need to verify what we were taught. What God in Scripture calls “The Israel of God” is simply all of us branches: Gentiles and ethnic Jews who are in the Vine (Jesus). Although God is not finished with ethnic Jews and has a future plan for them, it is not as His children. This set is a valued part of our home library.
Bowden stated:
>>>But NOW in the New Covenant era ‘after Yeshuas VISIT’ the true ‘Jew’ and the true ‘Jerusalem-City of Peace’ are much more ‘invisible’ in this world. The True ‘Kingdom Christians’ are more concerned about ‘GOING OUT and healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out demons, and speaking the TRUTH of Yhvh-God. More concerned about ‘being the peaceable kingdom family’ in each neighborhood. Caring for the suffering and the women and children.
Beautiful review. This is what replacement theology concerns itself with. Not the institution of the Church and its almost levitical like hierarchy but the new covenant of Christ’s teachings from his Father. Israel of the heart and spirit. Those grafted to Christ.
Also, Shibo, Herzl and Gurion rejected Christ. They both commited terror on native people living in the land of Israel/palestine. This was not God’s doing but God’s doing through free-will. The modern secular largely atheistical Israeli state rejects Christ.
We must pray that Israel as a nation repents and accepts Christ.
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Review Audio Set: Israel in Prophecy.