In this message, David Bercot allows the listener to go back in time and learn how the Christians closest in time to the apostles understood the various prophecies about the Antichrist. The number of the beast, 666, meant something very specific to them.
60 min. audio message
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In this message, David Bercot allows the listener to go back in time and learn how the Christians closest in time to the apostles understood the various prophecies about the Antichrist. The number of the beast, 666, meant something very specific to them.
60 min. audio message
Don’t worry David is not the antichrist! Why? This CD shows what the Early Christians believed about this event of the last days. It’s not what we usually hear today. As each day past, we are being brought closer to the time when this will happen. Will we be prepared? It helped me and I want to recommend it for you.
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D. Bercot. There were two primary heretical groups during the New Testament period: The Nicolaitans and the Gnostics. Revelation refers to the Nicolaitans, and both Paul and John allude to the Gnostics in their letters. But the New Testament t [...]Audio CD $4.95Digitial Download $3.95

What The Early Christians Believed About the Sabbath. Did the early Christians observe a Saturday Sabbath--or any Sabbath at all? Did they worship on Sunday or Saturday? Did they view Sunday as the Christian counterpart of the Jewish Sabbath? [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Peter wrote, “Do not let your adornment be outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on apparel—rather let it be the hidden person of the heart.” But just how literally did the early Christians take that apostolic commandment? Berco [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95
Review Audio: 666 and the Antichrist.