David Bercot. Our popular book, The Kingdom that Turned the World Upside Down, is now available in Turkish. The Turkish edition is entitled Dünyayý Altüst Eden Egemenlik. To download PDF ebook

David Bercot. Our popular book, The Kingdom that Turned the World Upside Down, is now available in Azerbaijani. The Azerbaijani edition is entitled MƏNİM PADŞAHLIĞIM BU DÜNYADAN DEYİL To download PDF ebook

Our popular book, Plain Speaking, is now available in Spanish. The Spanish edition is entitled Predicar y Ensenar Con Eficacia. Paper. 173 pp. Quantity

Our popular book, The Kingdom that Turned the World Upside Down, is now available in Portuguese. The Portuguese edition is entitled "O Reino Que Alvorocou O Mundo." Paper. 256 pp. Quantity

Our popular book, The Kingdom that Turned the World Upside Down, is now available in Russian. The Russian edition is entitled Царство Мое не от мира сего Quantity

Our popular book, The Kingdom that Turned the World Upside Down, is now available in Spanish. The Spanish edition is entitled El Reino Que Trastorno El Mundo. Paper. 256 pp. Quantity

Our popular book, Will The Real Heretics Please Stand Up is now available in Portuguese. The Portuguese edition bears the title, Que Falem Os Primeros Cristaos (Let The First Christians Speak). 200 pp. $9.95 Quantity

Our popular book, Will The Theolgians Please Sit Down is now available in Portuguese. The Portuguese edition bears the title, Que se assentem os teólogos 200 pp. $10.95 Quantity

Als das Christentum noch jung war, lag der Schwerpunkt auf Jesus Christus und Seinem Königreich - nicht auf der Theologie. Sicherlich gibt es grundlegende Lehren, die Christen schon immer als wesentlich für den Glauben angesehen haben. Aber ir [...]

Was die frühen Christen uns zu sagen hätten. Deutsche Übersetzung des 1989 erschienenen Buches „Will the Real Heretics Please Stand Up“ von David Bercot, erschienen 2015 im Eigenverlag des Übersetzers. “Unser Jahrhundert ist das erste Jahrh [...]

David Bercot. Our popular book, The Kingdom that Turned the World Upside Down, is now available in Ukranian. The Ukranian edition is entitled Моє Царство не від світу цього. To download PDF Ebook

David Bercot. Our popular book, The Kingdom that Turned the World Upside Down, is now available in Farsi. The Farsi edition is entitled پادشاهی من از این جهان نیست To download PDF ebook