These are books written to inspire a renewed passion to experience life the way Jesus taught.

Gary Miller. How can business owners intentionally pursue the kingdom of God while using their resources wisely? 250 pp paper 13.95 Quantity

Hector Troyer. Jesus and the Mennonites Get ready for a frank and honest look at the underside of today's Anabaptist evangelism cultures. We'll talk about pretty sacred stuff. Like...Is worldly Christianity's view of relationship with Jesus de [...]

Jeremy and Alicia enjoy attending Lakeside Believers Fellowship. The sermons are gripping, the programs exciting, and the worship team is second to none. Without question, Lakeside is the place to be! But there is one problem: Jeremy and Alici [...]

John Wesley was not just a remarkable preacher. He was also a man of prayer. This small paperback pulls together John Wesley’s best insights on prayer from his Journal, his sermons, and his other writings. It was John Wesley’s prayer life that [...]

Dr. Finny Kuruvilla. Many people today say, "I'm spiritual, but not religious." Such language veils a hunger for God but a distaste for the church. Even in the church, Christians are asking, "Is this what church is supposed to be?" Many Christ [...]

Kingdom-Focused Finances for the Family is easy to understand and enjoyable to read. It is Kingdom teaching for a Kingdom-focused people. Author Gary Miller disassembles our view of finances and carefully puts it all back together in a way tha [...]

Andrew V. Ste Marie, Mike Atnip. In the midst of tall castles, warring pikemen, dreadful plagues, church decay, and the superstition and darkness of sixteen-century Europe, the Anabaptist revival burst into flames. One of the first leaders was [...]

This well-written booklet explains from Scripture what a husband's role is in a God-centered marriage. It contains short articles from Family Life on headship, loving one's wife, family leadership, going the second mile, and other topics. 32 p [...]

This well-written booklet explains from Scripture what a wife's role is in a God-centered marriage. It contains short articles from Family Life --written primarily by women--on being a valuable helpmate, a virtuous woman, and other topics. 32 [...]

The true story of the first Anabaptists in Zurich, Switzerland. A flowing account of the Birth of Anabaptism - that reads like a novel. In this gripping account, the author (a descendant of the Swiss Anabaptists" tries to reconstruct events as [...]

This booklet is one of the best written works we have found on the subject of why God permits evil. It supports a biblical viewpoint that avoids the extremes of both Calvinistic predestination and secular humanism. 32 pp. booklet. $1.50 Quanti [...]

Philip Hess Why did Jesus die? You may be surprised to learn that the meaning of Jesus' death as taught by many Christians is a fairly modern development in church history. Penal Substitution, the idea that Jesus died to take our punishment an [...]