These are books written to inspire a renewed passion to experience life the way Jesus taught.

Proof of the Apostolic Preaching – Irenaeus of Lyons
Proof of the Apostolic Preaching – Irenaeus of Lyons

If the Prophets prophesied that the Son of God was to appear upon the earth, and prophesied also where on the earth and how and in what manner He should appear, and all these prophecies the Lord fulfilled, our faith in Him is well-found, and t [...]Add to Cart $7.95

Righteous Lot?
Righteous Lot?

Glenn Martin. Righteous Lot? "Righteous Lot," Peter Said. Today's Readers are left scratching their heads: "What was he thinking:" This book retells the story of Lot by exploring the Biblical and historical narratives to uncover the ancient an [...]Add to Cart $10.95

Secrets Of The Kingdom Life
Secrets Of The Kingdom Life

David Bercot. Secrets Of The Kingdom Life was written to make the reader hungry for a deeper walk with Christ. Among other things, David Bercot shows the reader how to have a powerful devotional time with God each day and then to remain in com [...]Add to Cart $10.95

Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life
Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life

William Law. One of the most challenging books on Christian discipleship ever written! William Law writes with vivid insight on what it really means to live the life that Jesus taught. He uses lots of illustrations to help the reader see how J [...]Add to Cart $14.95

Should Christians Fight? Nonresistance vs. Just War Theory – A Debate
Should Christians Fight? Nonresistance vs. Just War Theory – A Debate

Should the cross be fused to the sword? Should Christianity be allied to the state and fight in its wars? Is such a marriage even possible? This booklet is the transcript of a debate, with one side saying such a union is impossible, the other [...]Add to Cart $5.95

Sidetracked – How Power and Politics Distract Us from Our Mission
Sidetracked – How Power and Politics Distract Us from Our Mission

Gary Miller. Sidedtracked - How Power and Politics Distracts Us from Our Mission What is our church mission in making the world a better place? The Church is called to demonstrate Jesus Christ. We are to love what He loves and be burdened by t [...]Add to Cart $14.95

The Kingdom That Turned the World Upside Down
The Kingdom That Turned the World Upside Down

David Bercot. In The Kingdom that Turned the World Upside Down, Bercot takes the reader back to Jesus' teachings of the kingdom - teachings that have too often been forgotten. Bercot describes the radically new laws of the kingdom and its upsi [...]Add to Cart $10.95

The Marvelous Kingdom of God
The Marvelous Kingdom of God

T. Jones and S. Brown. This book presents unique insights into just how radical and marvelous the Kingdom truly is. It’s addressed to those who are ready and willing to bring forward their own rights and traditions and lay them at the feet of [...]Add to Cart $10.95

The Other Side of The Wall
The Other Side of The Wall

Other Side of the Wall As Christians, we understand that we are all expected to be givers. Too often, though, we simply take the easy route of tossing money at problems without taking time to understand the underlying causes of poverty. $13.95 [...]Add to Cart $13.95

Through the Eye of a Needle
Through the Eye of a Needle

Roger Hertzler. Jesus told us, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” And again, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thi [...]Add to Cart $6.95

What Is Truth?
What Is Truth?

Gary Miller. What Is Truth? Steve attends a university and is on a quest for truth. But some of his post-modernist professors are telling him that universal truth doesn’t even exist. People must find their own truth. A great resource to hand o [...]Add to Cart $2.95

Why Bad Things Happen
Why Bad Things Happen

Michal S Martin God is so effective at bringing good out of evil circumstances that it may look like He planned the entire event, evil and all.   222 paperback = $11.95   QuantityAdd to Cart $11.95

Why Revival Tarries
Why Revival Tarries

Leonard Ravenhill. Revival Praying This is Leonard Ravenhill's most famous work, being penned 50 years ago.. 172 pp. Paper. $13.95 QuantityAdd to Cart $13.95