These books were originally presented as audio CDs. These audio recordings have now been transcribed and formatted into electronic books.

David Bercot. God didn’t place us on earth so that we can build our own personal kingdoms. No, He intends for us to make lasting contributions to His Kingdom during our lifetimes. Drawing heavily from Jesus’ parable of the talents (Mt. 25), Be [...]

D. Bercot. Most western Christians don’t realize that for the first 400 years of Christianity, the Septuagint was the Old Testament used by the Christian Church. Jesus and His apostles almost always quoted from the Septuagint when they quoted [...]

The Old Testament is like a hidden treasure with hidden shadows of Christ and God’s plans for man’s salvation. It contains symbols and types of the cross, baptism, communion, the Church, the crown of thorns, the crucifixion, and Jesus Himself. [...]

Most of us have been taught that the man's soul and spirit are the same. We have also been told that we are unable to do good in our human state—without being born again. But is this true? The Scriptures talk about body, soul, and spirit. The [...]

There are five irrevocable laws Christ has given to citizens of His kingdom. You might say these five foundational laws comprise the Constitution of God’s Kingdom. Unless a person lives by these laws, he or she can never hope to inherit the Ki [...]

D. Bercot. In this message, Bercot explains what the kingdom of God is, why it was the theme of Jesus’ and the apostles’ preaching, and what difference it makes in the life of a Christian when we understand the Kingdom of God. This message was [...]

David Bercot. Many Christian books and commentators today portray Jesus as the first feminist. These commentators typically point to the Mishnah to argue that Jesus’ treatment of women was nothing short of revolutionary in His day. However, Be [...]

Were The Early Christian Writings Tampered With? One of the questions David Bercot is frequently asked is: How do we know that the early Christian writings haven't been tampered with? Can we really put our complete confidence in their authenti [...]

D. Bercot. The Book of Acts ends with Paul’s first imprisonment in Rome. But what happened after that? What eventually became of Paul? What about Peter, John and the rest of the apostles? How far did Christianity spread in the 1st and 2nd cent [...]

Aren’t all “Bible-believing” Christians the same? Isn’t it enough that we all believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior? In this vital e-book, Bercot explains that there is an enormous difference between ordinary “Bible-believing” Christians and [...]

What the Early Christians Believed About Entertainment. Discusses the arena, theater, and sporting events of that time period and explains how the early Christians were different from the world of their day. This message was originally present [...]

Once a person has been saved from this world, can he or she lose their salvation? Or, to put it another way, is salvation a “once and done” operation, or is it conditioned upon an abiding obedient relationship with Christ? When a person receiv [...]

What the Early Christians Believed About Salvation. Bercot explains how the early Christians understood salvation as a two-stage process. He quotes extensively from their writings and then takes the reader to the New Testament to demonstrate t [...]