These books were originally presented as audio CDs. These audio recordings have now been transcribed and formatted into electronic books.

What the Early Christians Believed About the Head Covering, or woman's prayer veil. What was Paul referring to in 1 Corinthians 11? A veil? Long hair? A custom that only applied to the Corinthians? This message was originally presented as an a [...]

What The Early Christians Believed About the Two Kingdoms. The average Christian today has never even heard of the doctrine called "the two kingdoms." Yet, it was a fundamental belief of the primitive church. Without understanding the concept [...]

What The Early Christians Believed About War. Jesus taught his followers to love their enemies. Did this mean that they could not go to war against them? How literally did the early Christians take Jesus' teachings? This message was originally [...]

In the years ahead, we can expect more and more laws that will create serious issues of conscience for kingdom-focused Christians. Bercot explains how the First Amendment and legal system work in our country. He then sets forth concrete steps [...]

There are many things that Christians today could learn from the early church, such as: a better understranding of New Testament Greek, grasping the mindset of New Testament Christians, and obtaining accurate historical and social background i [...]

Romans 13 commands Christians to obey the governmental authorities. But what happens when Caesar’s demands conflict with Jesus’ commandments? In this message, David Bercot sets forth 7 biblical principles we must look at when Caesar’s kingdom [...]