Scroll Publishing Co. is now offering Christian documentaries.  We don’t produce these ourselves. Rather, they are produced by two small Christian publishers with similar kingdom views as ours: and

These Christian documentaries can be viewed from any device that can play a DVD, such as a computer or a dedicated DVD player.

DVD Set: Change of Allegiance Symposium
DVD Set: Change of Allegiance Symposium

In late 2015, Dean Taylor led an inspiring symposium on nonresistance that included three stirring messages from Taylor, as well as three informative question-and-answer sessions. In this DVD set, Taylor takes the listener through the Scriptur [...]Add to Cart $1.00

DVD Video-Debate on Nonresistance
DVD Video-Debate on Nonresistance

Can Christians participate in war? On March 28, 2014, this question was debated in Faneuil Hall in Boston. Arguing that Christians cannot and must not participate in war were David Bercot and Dean Taylor. Arguing for the position that Christia [...]DVD Video Disc $5.95

Moravian Mission Machine: DVD
Moravian Mission Machine: DVD

Dean Taylor and Mike Atnip. On Christmas Eve, 1741, the Moravians founded Bethlehem, PA. The brothers and sisters there lived communally. The main purpose of this community was to provide the funding and training to send missionaries out to th [...]DVD Disc $5.95