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The Old Testament is like a hidden treasure with hidden shadows of Christ and God’s plans for man’s salvation. It contains symbols and types of the cross, baptism, communion, the Church, the crown of thorns, the crucifixion, and Jesus Himself. [...]

Most of us have been taught that the man's soul and spirit are the same. We have also been told that we are unable to do good in our human state—without being born again. But is this true? The Scriptures talk about body, soul, and spirit. The [...]

There are five irrevocable laws Christ has given to citizens of His kingdom. You might say these five foundational laws comprise the Constitution of God’s Kingdom. Unless a person lives by these laws, he or she can never hope to inherit the Ki [...]

D. Bercot. In this message, Bercot explains what the kingdom of God is, why it was the theme of Jesus’ and the apostles’ preaching, and what difference it makes in the life of a Christian when we understand the Kingdom of God. This message was [...]

David Bercot. In The Kingdom that Turned the World Upside Down, Bercot takes the reader back to Jesus' teachings of the kingdom - teachings that have too often been forgotten. Bercot describes the radically new laws of the kingdom and its upsi [...]

T. Jones and S. Brown. This book presents unique insights into just how radical and marvelous the Kingdom truly is. It’s addressed to those who are ready and willing to bring forward their own rights and traditions and lay them at the feet of [...]

This unique devotional work collects together the early Christians' best insights, reflections, and practical counsel on godly living, prayer, love, and the inner life. It reflects the spiritual depth and wisdom of men who lived totally for Ch [...]

Roger Hertzler. Jesus told us, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” And again, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thi [...]

David Bercot. Many Christian books and commentators today portray Jesus as the first feminist. These commentators typically point to the Mishnah to argue that Jesus’ treatment of women was nothing short of revolutionary in His day. However, Be [...]

Justin MartyrA contemporary translation of two early Christian works: Justin Martyr's "First Apology" and Mark Felix's Octavius. These are two of the most interesting early Christian works. Kindle$5.95 Nook$5.95 Kobo$5.95

Were The Early Christian Writings Tampered With? One of the questions David Bercot is frequently asked is: How do we know that the early Christian writings haven't been tampered with? Can we really put our complete confidence in their authenti [...]