To qualify for the evangelism rate, these CDs must be given away to others. In order to receive the evangelism rate, you must order a minimum of five copies of any title that you select.

Evangelism CD: Abraham: Man of Faith or Coward?
Evangelism CD: Abraham: Man of Faith or Coward?

David Bercot. The Scripture describes Abraham as "the father of all those who believe." Yes, many modern commentaries paint a highly critical picture of him, calling him a coward, a liar, and a man who often lacked faith - based largely on the [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CD: Anabaptists
Evangelism CD: Anabaptists

D. Bercot. An audio account of the history and beliefs of the Anabaptists—from their origins during the Reformation in 16th century Europe down to the changes in the 19th century and continuing through today. Bercot not only relates history bu [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CD: Be Ashamed to Die Until You Have Won Some Victory for the Kingdom
Evangelism CD: Be Ashamed to Die Until You Have Won Some Victory for the Kingdom

David Bercot. God didn’t place us on earth so that we can build our own personal kingdoms. No, He intends for us to make lasting contributions to His Kingdom during our lifetimes. Drawing heavily from Jesus’ parable of the talents (Mt. 25), Be [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CD: Capital Error
Evangelism CD: Capital Error

D. Bercot. When you read the New Testament, are you receiving the meaning the apostles intended? Bible translators can completely change the meaning of a given verse—or of a whole chapter—simply by deciding to capitalize a word or not. (The Ne [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CD: Church Discipline
Evangelism CD: Church Discipline

David Bercot. What the early Christians believed about church discipline--and how their beliefs were firmly rooted in Scripture. 70 minute audio message A minimum order quantity of 5 CDs is required to receive the evangelism price. QuantityAdd to Cart

Evangelism CD: Does God Want Us to Use Archaic Bible Translations?
Evangelism CD: Does God Want Us to Use Archaic Bible Translations?

David Bercot. This CD is NOT a criticism of the KJV. For the first 150 years after the KJV was published in 1611, it was periodically updated to fit changes in the English language and to occasionally amend the text itself. The last update was [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CD: Does Your Church Have A Purpose?
Evangelism CD: Does Your Church Have A Purpose?

Dean Taylor. In Matthew 25 Jesus said that relieving the poor, visiting the sick, and receiving strangers was inextricably connected to what a “believer” is supposed to be. In simple terms, that means that unless we’re involved with helping th [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CD: How to Gain Victory Over Bitterness
Evangelism CD: How to Gain Victory Over Bitterness

David Bercot. Bercot sets forth eight steps to enable us to gain complete victory over bitterness. A person who once struggled with bitterness himself, Bercot speaks from personal experience. He explains that bitterness not only robs us of our [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism Cd: The Anabaptist Vision
Evangelism Cd: The Anabaptist Vision

The Anabaptist Vision was a message preached by Harold S. Bender at Columbia University in 1943. It is a radical Christian manifesto calling Christians back to the kingdom message of Jesus Christ. As Bender explains, “The Anabaptists were conc [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CD: Were the Apostles Failures?
Evangelism CD: Were the Apostles Failures?

David Bercot. Many Christians today claim that the church founded by the apostles lost most of the apostles’ doctrine within a generation. In fact, people say that the first century church was already losing the apostolic faith while the apost [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CD: What Alexander Campbell Would Say to the Church Today
Evangelism CD: What Alexander Campbell Would Say to the Church Today

Alexander Campbell was one of the key leaders of the 19th century Restoration Movement, which sought to restore New Testament Christianity and end Christian sectarianism. In this pointed message printed in the Movement's newsletter,The Christi [...]Audio CD $4.95

Evangelism CD: What Happened After Acts
Evangelism CD: What Happened After Acts

D. Bercot. The Book of Acts ends with Paul’s first imprisonment in Rome. But what happened after that? What eventually became of Paul? What about Peter, John and the rest of the apostles? How far did Christianity spread in the 1st and 2nd cent [...]Audio CD $4.95

Evangelism CD: What Happened Between the Testaments
Evangelism CD: What Happened Between the Testaments

David Bercot. In this audio message, Bercot discusses the history of Judea from the time of Nehemiah up through the birth of Christ and the reign of Herod. He goes into detail about the Jewish revolt under the Greek ruler, Antiochus IV, and th [...]Add to Cart