To qualify for the evangelism rate, these CDs must be given away to others. In order to receive the evangelism rate, you must order a minimum of five copies of any title that you select.

Evangelism CDs:  What We Could Learn From the Early Christians–But Don’t
Evangelism CDs:  What We Could Learn From the Early Christians–But Don’t

There are many things that Christians today could learn from the early church, such as: a better understanding of New Testament Greek, grasping the mindset of New Testament Christians, and obtaining accurate historical and social background in [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: 5 Ways to Honor Your Parents
Evangelism CDs: 5 Ways to Honor Your Parents

David Bercot. Paul foretold that in the last days children would not honor their parents. We see this before our very eyes in the world. Sadly, we often see it in our churches as well. Bercot argues that we need far more teaching in our church [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: A Positive Answer to a Negative Theology
Evangelism CDs: A Positive Answer to a Negative Theology

John D. Martin. At the time of the Reformation, there was a clear line of demarcation between the Anabaptists and the mainline Reformers such as Luther and Calvin. Not only did their lifestyles differ, but so did their views of salvation, God, [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: An Early Christian Worship Service
Evangelism CDs: An Early Christian Worship Service

David Bercot. If you were able to go back to the year 100 A.D. and attend a Christian worship service, what would you experience? Would you hear a sermon? Would you sing hymns? What day of the week would it have been-and what time of day? In t [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Are You Really Reading The Word Of God
Evangelism CDs: Are You Really Reading The Word Of God

David Bercot. When we pick up our Bibles, we assume we are reading the Word of God. However, every translation is also an interpretation. That's because the text - Greek or Hebrew - can often be translated in different ways. Yet, the meaning o [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Baptism
Evangelism CDs: Baptism

David Bercot. What the early Christians believed about baptism and how the Scriptures support their beliefs. 70 minute audio message A minimum order quantity of 5 CDs is required to receive the evangelism price. $2.00 QuantityAdd to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Blood of the Martyrs Is Seed
Evangelism CDs: Blood of the Martyrs Is Seed

The Apology of Tertullian in Audio Format Read by David Bercot. There is no 2nd century work that gives the reader such a broad overview of early Christianity as Tertullian’s famous Apology—which we have made available in abridged audio format [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Christ’s Descent into Hades
Evangelism CDs: Christ’s Descent into Hades

David Bercot. What the early Christians believed about Christ's descent into Hades or Hell. This was once considered a foundational belief of Christianity, and it is one of the tenets taught in the Apostles Creed. Yet, few Christians today kno [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Church Government
Evangelism CDs: Church Government

What the Early Christians Believed About Church Government. D. Bercot. How was the church governed during the first few centuries of Christianity? What do the early writings reveal? In this message, Bercot discusses: The type of church governm [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Common Sense: MP3 Audio Book
Evangelism CDs: Common Sense: MP3 Audio Book

Paul Brown has kindly recorded the entire Common Sense book into MP3 audio format. Note: We have re-mastered the original recording. 1 MP3 disc A minimum order quantity of 5 CDs is required to receive the evangelism price. $2.00 CD QuantityAdd to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Common Sense: PDF Version
Evangelism CDs: Common Sense: PDF Version

D. Bercot. In this sequel to Will the Real Heretics Please Stand Up, Bercot explains seven common sense principles of document interpretation that will enable the reader to draw from the New Testament Scriptures the meaning intended by the apo [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Communion
Evangelism CDs: Communion

David Bercot. What the Early Christians Believed About Communion. Did they view communion as merely a symbol, or did they believe that Christ was truly present in the bread and wine? 70 minute audio message A minimum order quantity of 5 CDs is [...]Add to Cart

Evangelism CDs: Divorce and Remarriage
Evangelism CDs: Divorce and Remarriage

David Bercot. What the Early Christians Believed About Divorce and Remarriage. A century ago, it was extremely rare for a non-Christian—let alone a Christian—to obtain a divorce. Today, so-called Bible-believing Christians divorce one another [...]Add to Cart